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Checking and restarting the HPOM Processes

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The HPOM process check is one of the best places to start checking the HPOM server environment. Ensure that the correct processes are running using the command

# opcsv -status
OM Control Management Server status:
 HPOM  Action Manager                  opcactm          (2629) is running
 HPOM  BBC Config Adapter              opcbbcdist       (2699) is running
 HPOM  Cert. Server Adapter            opccsad          (2685) is running
 HPOM  Display Manager                 opcdispm         (2587) is running
 HPOM  Forward Manager                 opcforwm         (2671) is running
 HPOM  Message Manager                 opcmsgm          (2643) is running
 HPOM  Message Receiver (HTTPS)        opcmsgrb         (2615) is running
 HPOM  Service Engine                  opcsvcm          (2713) is running
 HPOM  TT & Notify Manager             opcttnsm         (2657) is running
 HPOM  Request Sender                  ovoareqsdr       (2601) is running
 HPOM  HTTPS Communication Proxy       opcuihttps       (2757) is running
 HPOM  Svc. Nav. Action Manager        opcsvcam         (2771) is running
 HPOM  Service Discovery Server        opcsvcdisc       (2788) is running
 HPOM  Administration UI Server        adminui          (2825) is running

OV Control Core components status:
OV Control                          ovcd             (1926) is running
OV Communication Broker             ovbbccb          (1927) is running
OV Certificate Server               ovcs             (2571) is running
OV Tomcat(B) Servlet Container      ovtomcatB        (3058) is running
HP SIM SPI event clearing           HPSIMIntAck      (3080) is running;

First you can try to restart the aborted processes. If this does not help the next step is stop all process and then try to start the server using opcsv -start command.

If the HPOM processes will not stop using opcsv -stop command, check the process table with the ps command. If necessary remove them with the kill command.

The processes running during normal operations of the server are as follows:

  1. opcactm Action manager that feeds the action agents with automatic actions, operator-initiated actions, scheduled actions, and application startup and broadcasting information through the control agent. In addition, external instructions are determined using this mechanism.
  2. ovoareqsdr Request sender that informs the control agents to start, stop, or update their local HPOM agents. The request sender is also responsible for the self-monitoring of HPOM manager services, and for the heartbeat-polling of the managed nodes.
  3. ovcd Control daemon that controls and checks the status of processes and components, which are registered with it.
  4. opcdispm Display manager that serves HPOM GUIs. The display manager also feeds the action manager with operator-initiated actions, application startup information (not requiring a separate terminal), and broadcasting information issued by operators. It also serves clients connected to the MSI for message and configuration changes. Several HPOM user GUIs may be active at the same time.
  5. opcbbcdist Configuration management adapter between the HP Operations management server and the HTTPS agents that creates instrumentation from existing actions, commands, and monitors, and switches nodeinfo settings into the XPL format used on HTTPS nodes.
  6. opcecm Event correlation manager that connects to the server MSI to allow access to and modification of messages from the HPOM message flow by the event correlation (EC) engine. Depending on filters and conditions, the messages are then correlated and written back to HPOM. The messages display in the Message Details window (available from the Message Browser) with the message source MSI opcecm. Like all server processes, the event correlation manager is controlled by the OV Control, ovcd.
  7. opcecmas Annotation server that runs on the management server and obtains data from outside the ECS engine for use within correlation circuits. This process connects to the opcecm process using the standard annotate API. It receives annotate requests for launching external programs and returns the output to the circuit. opcmsgm Message manager that receives messages from the managed nodes through the message receiver (opcmsgrb). The messages can be correlated, regrouped and logged by the message manager running on the management server. The message manager is also responsible for adding annotations, triggering notifications, and forwarding the message to the trouble ticket and notification service manager for external notification and trouble ticket generation.
  8. opcforwm Message forwarding manager that relieves the message manager, opcmsgm, of time-consuming tasks (for example, sending messages to remote managers). This relief allows the message manager to manage messages more effectively. On the local “source” management server, the message forwarding manager receives data from the message manager (in the form of messages), the action manager (action responses), and the display manager (message operations such as acknowledge, add annotation, and so on). The message forwarding manager sends data to the message receiver on the “target” management servers. opctss Distribution manager subprocesses that transfer configuration data to the distribution agent through TCP/IP.
  9. opcttnsm Trouble ticket and notification service manager that feeds the external notification interface, as well as the external trouble ticket interface, with message attributes. This manager is an auxiliary process of the message manager designed to ensure high message throughput. If external instructions are specified for a message, the trouble ticket and notification service manager evaluates the help text through the action manager. Whenever the trouble ticket and notification service manager receives a message in its queue, it passes the message on to the trouble ticket interface or the external notification service. It does so by forking and executing the customer-defined program that receives the message (that is, the ticketing interface or the notification service). As soon as this program is finished and exited, a SIGCHLD is sent to the trouble ticket and notification service manager. The manager stops processing the message queue until it receives another SIGCHLD.
  10. opcuiwww Server process that serves the HPOM Java-based operator GUI. This process forwards all communication requests between the Java GUI and the display manager. For each Java GUI, at least one server process is started.
  11. opcuihttps Server process that acts as a proxy between the Java GUI client and the HPOM management server using the HTTPS protocol.
  12. opcsvcm Service engine that maintains the global (operator-independent) service status and can log service changes into the database. By default, remote access to the service engine is disabled. See HPOM Developer’s Reference for information on how to allow remote access to the service engine.

From the command line of the management server, use the following commands to verify that the correct processes are running:

Many of the processes running during normal operation of the agent (depending on the deployed policy) are as follows:

On the server along with server processes agent proceses need to present as well. They can be checked using commands opcagt or ovc (see Troubleshooting HPOM agents for more details):

# ovcagt
ovcd    Control Daemon                        CORE  (4314)   Running
ovbbccb HP  HPOM  BBC Communications Broker CORE  (1467)   Running
ovconfd     HP  HPOM  Config and Deploy     CORE  (4315)   Running
ovcs        HP  HPOM  Certificate Server   SERVER (4320)   Running
opcmsga      HPOM  Message Agent          AGENT,EA     (4321)   Running
opcacta      HPOM  Action Agent           AGENT,EA     (4322)   Running
opcmsgi      HPOM  Message Interceptor    AGENT,EA     (4323)   Running
opcle        HPOM  Logfile Encapsulator   AGENT,EA     (4325)   Running
opcmona      HPOM  Monitor Agent          AGENT,EA     (4327)   Running
opctrapi     HPOM  SNMP Trap Interceptor  AGENT,EA     (4329)   Running
opceca       HPOM  Event Correlation      AGENT,EA              Stopped
opcecaas    ECS Annotate Server        AGENT,EA              Stopped
coda        HP  HPOM  Performance Core            (4331)   Running

From the command line of the HTTPS-based managed node, verify that the correct processes are running; if necessary, restart the processes.

Note: the ovcagt command is available on HTTPs-based nodes only.

If you perform the functional check and the processes will not start, it could be due to corrupt queue or pipe files. Corrupt queue files occur on rare occasions if the OS or physical disk buffers have not been flushed to disk successfully. These files can be removed from the server or node while the HPOM processes are not running. If it becomes necessary to remove the queue files, be aware they contain data that will be lost. However, if you have tried everything else and you are still experiencing problems with agent or server processes, move the queue files. Check the integrity of the HPOM processes by moving the queue files temporarily, then restart the agent. If the agent starts, return the original queue file; this will minimize data loss. If necessary remove the queue files and restart the processes. The queue files will be recreated.


1. Exit all HPOM GUIs.

2. Stop the management server processes: ovstop HPOM acomm.

3. Erase the HPOM temporary files: rm /var/opt/OV/share/tmp/OpC/mgmt_sv/*.

4. Restart the management server processes: opcsv -stop && opcsv -start

5. Restart the GUI: opc.


Procedure to Remove the Queue Files on the Node

1. Stop all the managed node processes: opcagt –kill.

2. Erase the HPOM temporary files: rm /var/opt/OV/tmp/OpC/*.

3. Verify that all of the process have stopped: ps –eaf|grep opc.

4. Restart the managed node processes: opcagt -start.


Log for the server is in System.txt file

0: ERR: Mon Jan 26 22:22:30 2009: ovc (14372/1): (ctrl-82) Could not start ovcd, error='(xpl-166) Missing '=' in environmen ...

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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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Last modified: March 12, 2019