Софтпанорама 1993, No.1 (35) *** NEWS *** Составитель: Н.Н. БЕЗРУКОВ ************************************************************************ ╔═════════════════════════════════════╗ ║ П А Н О Р А М А Н О В О С Т Е Й ║ ╚═════════════════════════════════════╝ ************************** КРАТКАЯ ИНФОРМАЦИЯ ************************* ****************** НОВОГОДНИЙ ПОДАРОК ФИРМЫ PKWARE ******************** **** PKZIP 2.04 - НОВЫЙ ЛИДЕР ПО СКОРОСТИ РАБОТЫ СРЕДИ АРХИВАТОРОВ ***** PkZip 2.04 существенно быстрее Arj 2.39 и дает лишь немного худшие результаты при существенно (примерно на треть) меньшем времени упаковки !!! На упаковке EXE-файлов он выглядит чуть хуже. Впрочем на некоторых наборах файлов он выигрывает у arj (см. ниже). На смешанном материале c преобладанием текста (выпуск А бюллетеня) он проигрывает ARJ примерно 15K (arj - 724K, pkzip - 740K) Похоже, что PKZIP 1.93a нормально распаковывает архивы созданные новой версией! Видимо, формат остался практически прежним, хотя сам алгоритм стал немного быстрее. Как и предыдущие версии программа требует чуть больше 80K того меньше) и хорошо работает под DV, а все "конфликтоспособные" для возможности (кривое EMS и др. проблемы) отключаются ключиками. Некоторые результаты тестирования приведены ниже. Sender: L-usenet@river.cs.kiev.ua Newsgroups: comp.compression From: djtooley@undergrad.math.waterloo.edu (Doug Tooley) Subject: [NEWS] PKZIP 2.04c vs. ARJ/LHA/ZOO Compression/Speed Results Message-ID: Organization: University of Waterloo Date: Fri, 8 Jan 1993 00:10:13 GMT Lines: 97 Status: RO Results of Compression Testing: PKZIP 2.04c Jan 06/92 Data: Contents of ARJ230.EXE and PKZ204C.EXE (with duplicate filenames renamed/included) Total Size: 720937 bytes Archivers: PKZIP204c PKZIP110 PKZIP193a ARJ230 LHA213 ZOO210 Machine: 386/33, 10M RAM \w 128k BIOS Shadow RAM Drive: Seagate ST296N (84M) SCSI controller (no s/w cache) Timing: Norton Utilities' TM.EXE v4.50 Execution: MSDOS BATch file Results: TIME FILENAME SIZE COMMAND Sorted by Size 27 secs ZIP204X ZIP 358090 pkzip -ex 55 secs ARJ230JM ARJ 359725 arj a -jm 23 secs ZIP204 ZIP 360153 pkzip 21 secs ZIP204N ZIP 360153 pkzip -en 47 secs ARJ230 ARJ 360228 arj a 48 secs ARJ230M1 ARJ 360230 arj a -m1 22 secs ZIP193 ZIP 362995 pkzip 44 secs ARJ230M2 ARJ 363519 arj a -m2 48 secs LHA213 LZH 368780 lha a 19 secs ZIP204F ZIP 369940 pkzip -ef 94 secs ZOO210H ZOO 370481 zoo ah 35 secs ARJ230M3 ARJ 371169 arj a -m3 26 secs ZIP110 ZIP 381182 pkzip 15 secs ZIP204S ZIP 393321 pkzip -es 69 secs ZOO210 ZOO 459204 zoo a 24 secs ARJ230M0 ARJ 723239 arj a -m0 14 secs ZIP2040 ZIP 724559 pkzip -e0 Sorted by Time 14 secs ZIP2040 ZIP 724559 pkzip -e0 15 secs ZIP204S ZIP 393321 pkzip -es 19 secs ZIP204F ZIP 369940 pkzip -ef 21 secs ZIP204N ZIP 360153 pkzip -en 22 secs ZIP193 ZIP 362995 pkzip 23 secs ZIP204 ZIP 360153 pkzip 24 secs ARJ230M0 ARJ 723239 arj a -m0 26 secs ZIP110 ZIP 381182 pkzip 27 secs ZIP204X ZIP 358090 pkzip -ex 35 secs ARJ230M3 ARJ 371169 arj a -m3 44 secs ARJ230M2 ARJ 363519 arj a -m2 47 secs ARJ230 ARJ 360228 arj a 48 secs ARJ230M1 ARJ 360230 arj a -m1 48 secs LHA213 LZH 368780 lha a 55 secs ARJ230JM ARJ 359725 arj a -jm 69 secs ZOO210 ZOO 459204 zoo a 94 secs ZOO210H ZOO 370481 zoo ah Sorted by Name (for the scroll-back impaired) 47 secs ARJ230 ARJ 360228 arj a 55 secs ARJ230JM ARJ 359725 arj a -jm 24 secs ARJ230M0 ARJ 723239 arj a -m0 48 secs ARJ230M ARJ 360230 arj a -m1 44 secs ARJ230M2 ARJ 363519 arj a -m2 35 secs ARJ230M3 ARJ 371169 arj a -m3 48 secs LHA213 LZH 368780 lha a 26 secs ZIP110 ZIP 381182 pkzip 22 secs ZIP193 ZIP 362995 pkzip 23 secs ZIP204 ZIP 360153 pkzip 14 secs ZIP2040 ZIP 724559 pkzip -e0 19 secs ZIP204F ZIP 369940 pkzip -ef 21 secs ZIP204N ZIP 360153 pkzip -en 15 secs ZIP204S ZIP 393321 pkzip -es 27 secs ZIP204X ZIP 358090 pkzip -ex 69 secs ZOO210 ZOO 459204 zoo a 94 secs ZOO210H ZOO 370481 zoo ah * * * ********** Киевская секция ACM SIGMOD выходит из подполья ************** и вместе с аналогичной Московской секцией собирается провести семинар ПЕРСПЕКТИВЫ РАЗВИТИЯ СИСТЕМ БАЗ ДАННЫХ И ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫХ СИСТЕМ ADBIS'93 Предварительное сообщение Первый объединенный Рабочий семинар Киевской и Московской секций ACM SIGMOD Протвино, 11-14 мая 1993 г. ADBIS'93 открывает серию ежегодных рабочих семинаров по перспективным направлениям исследований и разработок в области систем баз данных и ин- формационных системах, проведение которых планируется совместно Киевской и Московской секциями ACM SIGMOD. Для включения в программу Рабочего семинара следует представить один эк- земпляр расширенных тезисов доклада объемом не более 1000 слов не позд- нее 1 марта 1993 г. Тезисы должны содержать краткое содержание предпола- гаемого доклада. Полные тексты статей в репродуцируемой форме должны быть представлены к началу семинара и после дополнительного рецензирова- ния будут опубликованы. Количество участников ограничено. Предполагается участие 40-50 активных исследователей, работающих в области баз данных и информационных систем. Как правило, участие в семинаре предполагает выступление с докладом, описывающим результаты научно-исследовательских работ. На семинаре предполагается обсуждать работы, содержащие оригинальные идеи, новые исследовательские и экспериментальные результаты в области баз данных и информационных систем. Возможные темы работ определяются, но не ограничиваются следующим обширным перечнем: Активные базы данных Управление параллельным доступом и средства восстановления Поддержка ограничений Модели данных Проектирование баз данных Языки программирования баз данных Дедуктивные базы данных Распределенные системы баз данных Федеративные системы/мультибазы данных Базы данных для систем автоматизированного проектирования Неоднородные системы баз данных Базы данных с неполной и неопределенной информацией Целостность и безопасность Извлечение знаний из баз данных Представление знаний Вопросы интероперабельности систем мультибаз данных Модели мультитранзакций и языки спецификаций Объектно-ориентированные системы баз данных Параллельные архитектуры Языки запросов Научные базы данных и приложения Анализ и интеграция схем ПРОГРАММНЫЙ КОМИТЕТ СЕМИНАРА Сопредседатель от Сопредседатель от Киевской секции ACM SIGMOD Московской секции ACM SIGMOD СТОГНИЙ А.А. КАЛИНИЧЕНКО Л.А. Институт прикладной информатики Институт проблем информатики РАН 252004, Киев-4 117900, Москва, В-342 ул.Красноармейская, 23-б ул.Вавилова, 30/6 тел. (044) 225-60-64 тел. (095) 237-20-31 e-mail: astog@astog.sytech.kiev.ua e-mail:leonidk@ipian15.ipian.msk.su Члены программного комитета Азаров С.С. Когаловский М.Р. Вольфенгаген В.Э. Кузнецов С.Д. Емельянов Н.Е. Новиков Б.А. Клименко С.В. Столяров Г.К. ВАЖНЫЕ ДАТЫ: Представление расширенных тезисов: 1 марта 1993 г. Извещение о принятии или отклонении: 30 марта 1993 г. * * * **************** Международный семинар-выставка ************************* ************* по свободному системному и прикладному ******************** ************ программному обеспечению в среде ОС UNIX ******************* "THE WORKSHOP FOR FREE SYSTEM AND APLICATION SOFTWARE IN UNIX ENVIRONMENT" (Moscow, April 20-24, 1993) С 20 по 24 апреля 1993 года в городе Москве в Международном центре научной и технической информации (МЦНТИ) ассоциация пользователей операционной системы UNIX (SUUG) совместно с Российским центром системного программирования и МЦНТИ проводит международный семинар-выставку по свободному системному и прикладному программному в среде UNIX. На семинаре предполагается: - рассмотреть вопросы текущего состояния свободно распространяемого программного обеспечения, перспектив его развития и использования для нужд производственных, исследовательских и учебных организаций, - продемонстрировать возможности, доступные пользователям свободного программного обеспечения, - обсудить перспективные технологии по разработке прикладного программного обеспечения в среде UNIX. На семинар приглашены ряд ведущих специалистов из FSF (Free Software Foundation), Европейского форума Открытых Систем (EurOpen), ассоциации Usenix (США) и UNIFORUM. Выставка с презентацией различных аппаратных и программных продуктов ведущих зарубежных и отечественных фирм разработчиков и производителей средств вычислительной техники (предполагается участие Sun Microsystems, Unix System Laboratories, HP, Data General и т.д.) предоставит возможность познакомиться с новейшими разработками в среде UNIX. В рамках семинара будет проведено общее собрание членов ассоциации пользователей операционной системы UNIX. В период работы семинара-выставки будет доступно свободно- распространяемое программное обеспечение (по цене копирования). УЧАСТИЕ В СЕМИНАРЕ Участие в семинаре возможно в качестве докладчиков и слушателей. Кроме того, в ходе семинара будут проведены панельные дискуссии по наиболее интересным темам. Предусмотрены условия для продуктивного общения специалистов. Участники семинара могут провести демонстрацию на ЭВМ своих разработок, принимаются заявки на размещение рекламы. Для желающих продемонстрировать свои аппаратные и/или программные продукты предусмотрены выставочные площади с необходимым оборудованием. Семинар будет проводиться в Международном центре научной и технической информации (Москва, ул. Куусинена, дом 21б). Проезд от ст. метро "Полежаевская" на троллейбусе 43 или 65 до остановки МЦНТИ. Предполагаемое количество участников -200 человек из стран СНГ и 35 человек иностранных участников. Регистрационный взнос - рублевый эквивалент 7$ США на момент перевода денег, для членов SUUG - 6$ США с человека. В регистрационный взнос входят все организационные расходы, включая выпуск сборника тезисов докладов конференции. При оплате Вашего участия НЕ ЗАБУДЬТЕ указать на платежном поручении код SUUG-93 и фамилию участника, за которого оплачивается взнос! Иногородним заказывается гостиница (стоимость проживания в гостинице не включена в регистрационный взнос). Заезд и регистрация участников - 20 апреля. 21 - 24 апреля работа семинара. Для участия в семинаре необходимо выслать по адресу/факсу организационного комитета копию платежного поручения и заявку на участие по прилагаемому образцу. Заявки можно присылать электронной почтой. В связи с ограниченным числом мест (200 мест для участников из стран СНГ) приоритетом будут пользоваться члены SUUG и авторы докладов (далее приоритет определяется порядком поступления заявок). Желающие выступить с докладом должны также выслать в адрес оргкомитета до 15 февраля тезисы докладов (не более 4 стр.) на русском или английском языке. Тезисы желательно оформить следующим образом: название доклада, фамилии авторов с инициалами, название организации, E-mail или адрес организации (расположить "по центру" в порядке, указанном выше). Оповещение программного комитета о принятии или отклонении доклада будет разослано авторам до 15 марта. Печать будет производиться с присланного оригинала без редакторской вычитки. Доклады принимаются в пригодном для воспроизведения виде (четкая печать), или по электронной почте в форматах ASCII, MS WORD. ОРГАНИЗАЦИОННЫЙ КОМИТЕТ Секретарь - Е.Е.Алферова МЦНТИ, Москва, ул. Куусинена, дом 21б. Советская ассоциация пользователей ОС UNIX (SUUG) Тел: (095) 198-98-63 Факс:(095) 943-00-89 E-mail: ПРОГРАММНЫЙ КОМИТЕТ Председатель - С.Д.Кузнецов Тел.: (095) 272-44-25 Факс: (095) 125-43-80 E-mail: Ученый секретарь - П.Л.Брусиловский Тел: (095) 198-70-55 E-mail: * * * ******** CNN ПРЕДЛАГАЕТ БЕСПЛАТНЫЕ ИНФОРМАЦИОННЫЕ УСЛУГИ ********** ****** (FREE OF CHARGE USA-BASED INFORMATION SERVICE) ******** To: subscribers From: Alexandr Draganov Newsgroups: relcom.netnews,relcom.talk,relcom.commerce Subject: [News] **FREE INFORMATION SERVICE** Date: Sun, 27 Dec 92 18:06:48 -0800 Distribution: su Organization: unknown Message-ID: Reply-To: draganov@nova.stanford.edu Sender: L-relcom@newcom.kiae.su Status: R ************************************************************ FREE OF CHARGE USA-BASED INFORMATION SERVICE ************************************************************ THIS MESSAGE IS TO OFFER FREE INFORMATION SERVICE TO EVERYBODY WHO IS INTERESTED. IT WORKS IN A SIMPLE WAY: YOU ASK, AND IN FEW DAYS YOU GET THE ANSWER. THERE IS NO OBLIGATIONS FROM YOUR SIDE AND NO CHARGES FOR YOU. A nonprofit organization called Christian Neighbors' Network (CNN), is ready to provide valuable pieces of advice and information from its members. This an experimental project so far, and we are making this exceptional offer to get a better idea of needs in the field of information exchange. This offer is valid to those living in the countries of the former Soviet Union only. *************WHAT KIND OF QUESTIONS MAY BE ASKED ?*************** Actually, any your question which deals with business, life, science in the USA. Here are few examples: - You would like to suggest something, and we find addresses of people/companies who might be interested. This might be also helpful for researchers who wish to establish professional contacts with their colleagues, etc. - You are interested in making business with the USA (or other countries), and you wish to know how your field of business is regulated by law, what is commercial profile of different companies in the your field of interest, etc. - You want to know the average price of a product in the USA, or any other everyday information. - Virtually any other question. *******************WHO ANSWERS YOUR QUESTIONS ?******************* Even the most sophisticated questions may be answered by experts from Christian Neighbors' Network (CNN). Located in the Silicon Valley, CNN embraces top managers of some of American high-tech companies. There are also investment managers, owners of local businesses, and members of local municipal governments in CNN organisation. There are also regular people, who are living and working in California. In many cases, we can use online computer databases all over the world to find information on your request. Huge information resources of Stanford University can be used as well. **********************WHAT DO YOU GET ?************************** We will do our best to answer ANY your question in few days, in the most complete and precise way. You will get the requested information to your electronic or regular mail address absolutely free of charge. Of course, you understand, that there might be cases when we are unable to find the answer to your question. However, you do not risk anything by asking, so why you would not try ? I would like to urge you to use this unique opportunity. Very truly yours, Alexandr Draganov, e-mail: draganov@nova.stanford.edu mail: A. Draganov 324 Durand STAR Laboratory Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305 * * * ************** МИКРОСОФТ ОТКРЫВАЕТ ФИЛИАЛ В МОСКВЕ ********************* MOSCOW, RUSSIA, 1992 DEC 15 (NB) -- After months of speculation, Microsoft has announced it has registered its first wholly owned subsidiary, Microsoft A/O, in Russia. The new company has a registered capital of $5,000. To date, most of Microsoft's products have been sold in Russia through third-party companies. That situation may change, as it has done in other East European countries where Microsoft has got a foot in the distribution door. Microsoft officials have said that the company plans to invest several million dollars in the Russian operation. Industry observers, however, suggest that it could take some time before the software giant generates actual profits from its Russian operations. Microsoft A/O is headquartered at 14 Staraja Basmannaja St, Moscow and will be headed by Robert Clough, a Californian University graduate who was formerly a business development manager with Nantucket's operations in Moscow. Plans call for the new company to service the needs of all the republics within the former Soviet Union, including the Asian and Baltic republics. Announcing the formation of the new company, Bernard Vergnes, Microsoft Europe's president, said that there are no plans -- for the time being at least -- to open any further subsidiaries in Central Europe. This would appear to exclude the company's Romanian operation, which opens for business after Christmas. Vergnes was speaking at a two-day presentation at the Balchug-Kempinsky hotel, a plush site in downtown Moscow. According to Jurgen Stranghoener, Microsoft Eastern Europe's director, the relatively low capitalization of the new company does not suggest that Microsoft will not put money into the operation. Plans call, he said, for the software giant to continue to invest in the Russian market-place and for it to support the development of the software industry in the country for the coming years. Clough, Microsoft A/O's managing director, said that the new company officially came into being on December 1, when it was first registered. Plans call for business to start in early January, with Microsoft taking on another nine staff early in the New Year, complementing the two (including Clough) already on the payroll. Clough is wasting no time when it comes to getting the show on the road. A new price list for the company's complete range of products has been issued and distributor orders will be accepted for delivery from the beginning of January. Among the many products on the company's price list are international versions of Windows, DOS, and Works for DOS. The new prices could spell the end for many profitable software import operations in Russia. Pricing has been set in rubles, which could cause a long-term headache for Microsoft in that cheap Russian- sourced versions of its software could -- in theory at least -- be exported to other Central European countries. Microsoft claims it can handle the potential problem. Microsoft is working on a number of local language editions of its software, including Windows 3.1, Word for Windows, Works for Windows and Excel for Windows. The news contradicts previous reports that a Russian version for Windows 3.1 would be available in November, 1992. Some Microsoft sources had suggested that a swathe of Russian language editions of Microsoft software would ship in the first quarter of 1993 -- that suggestion now looks to have been over-optimistic. Microsoft officials said they are also speaking with Apple about the localization of Microsoft Excel for the Mac. This comes as something of a surprise as some sources have indicated that there are barely 2,000 Macs in active use here in Russia. Microsoft is wasting no time when it comes to new country operations. Last month saw new subsidiaries open in Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Poland. Plans are in hand for a new company to begin operations in Bucharest, Romania in January. (Kirill Tchashchin/19921215/Press Contact: Microsoft Moscow, Dmitry Kartsev, phone +7 095 262-12-13; fax +7 095 262-2351; Paul Robson, Microsoft Germany, phone +49 89 3167-3831 ) Перепечатано из Clarinet News * * * ************** МИКРОСОФТ ОБВИНЕН В НЕЧЕСТНОЙ КОНКУРЕНЦИИ *************** REDMOND, WASHINGTON, U.S.A., 1992 DEC 18 (NB) -- Business Week magazine, in its December 28th issue, says FTC investigators have concluded that the software company has engaged in anticompetitive actions. The magazine also reports that the investigators are preparing recommendations as to how to proceed against the company. According to Business Week, the recommendations being prepared by the agency's investigators could include breaking up the company, altering the way its software is sold to computer makers, or isolating the divisions from each other. The latter move, if adopted, would effectively have each division operating as a separate entity. Business Week says the investigators focused on Microsoft's "aggressive tactics" including the way it licenses its software to computer makers. The company reportedly has 95 percent of the operating systems market for personal computers powered by Intel microprocessors. The magazine also claims that the report alleges that Microsoft has unfairly used its dominance to gain an edge in development of such software applications as word processing programs and spreadsheets. Rival software companies have complained publicly and apparently to the Federal Trade Commission that Microsoft uses "predatory practices" in selling its operating systems. The operating system is the software which provides basic functions such as file management, and is the foundation from which applications such as word processing programs run. Allegations have also been made that Microsoft dumped software at prices designed to drive other companies from the market. When contacted by Newsbytes late Thursday, a Microsoft spokesperson would only say "No comment." (Jim Mallory/19921218/Press contact: Christine Summerson, Business Week, 212-512-2882) * * * ************* NOVELL ПОКУПАЕТ USL (Unix System Laboratories) ************* >From newsbytes@clarinet.com Tue Dec 22 18:32:38 1992 Path: farmua!relay1!csoft!kiae!demos!fuug!mcsun!uunet!looking!newsbytes From: newsbytes@clarinet.com Newsgroups: clari.nb.unix,clari.nb.top,biz.clarinet.sample Subject: ****Novell to Acquire Unix System Laboratories 12/21/92 Keywords: Bureau-TOR Date: 21 Dec 92 20:54:07 GMT Message-ID: Approved: cn@clarinet.com Lines: 79 SUMMIT, NEW JERSEY, U.S.A., 1992 DEC 21 (NB) -- Networking vendor Novell, Inc., of Provo, Utah, has signed a letter of intent to acquire Unix System Laboratories from AT&T. If completed, the deal will make Novell a significant force in computer operating systems on several fronts and make AT&T, which developed Unix in the 1970s, just another in the pack of hardware vendors that sell Unix. Novell's NetWare is the top-selling operating system for personal computer local-area networks (LANs). Also, the company controls Digital Research Inc., the maker of DR-DOS, a system compatible with the market-leading MS-DOS PC operating system from Microsoft. USL is a subsidiary of AT&T that provides computer vendors with the Unix operating system and related software and services based on open, international standards for computing and communications. AT&T spun off its Unix operation in 1991 to create Unix System Laboratories. Shortly afterward, the company sold a portion of the company to a number of other computer companies, saying the growth of Unix required that the operation have more independence. AT&T spokesman Dick Gray said the sale of the entire operation to Novell would help USL concentrate on the further development of Unix and selling the software to all vendors. AT&T now owns about 77 percent of USL. Novell already owns five percent of the company, and the rest belongs to a variety of other shareholders, including Motorola Inc., Sun Microsystems Inc., and others. USL's annual revenues are more than $80 million, officials said. Under the terms of the letter of intent, existing shares of USL common stock would be exchanged for up to 12.3 million newly issued shares of Novell common stock in a tax-free merger accounted for as a purchase. Novell would issue about 11.1 million shares of common stock to the current non-Novell USL shareholders. Outstanding USL stock options and other equity incentives would be exchanged for Novell stock, or options, or rights to acquire shares of Novell stock, all in accordance with the terms of USL employee plans and the definitive agreement. USL will become a wholly owned subsidiary of Novell, maintaining its operations in Summit. AT&T will continue to be a major vendor of Unix systems through its NCR unit, Gray said, and will continue doing some Unix research and development of its own. AT&T expects to realize a gain of about $100 million in net income on the deal based on the current price of Novell stock, and will come out of the deal owning about three percent of Novell, officials said. The deal has been approved by the boards of directors of Novell and AT&T, but still needs the approval of USL stockholders and regulators, the signing of a definitive merger agreement and other normal conditions. Officials said they hope to close the deal in the first quarter of 1993. Stan Schatt, analyst with Infocorp, told Newsbytes that, "What's clear is that Novell is very serious about Unix, as a direct competitor and desktop to Windows NT. Windows NT is really just vaporware right now. So there is a 'window-of-opportunity' for Novell at this point." In reply to a question concerning how much Unix will gain from the deal, Schatt said, "Unix sales will go up. There is some doubt on the part of some Unix people whether Novell intends to fully support all the Unix open standards. But today in the news conference, Novell affirmed the fact that it would, so I think that should satisfy most of them." (Grant Buckler & Ian Stokell/19921221/Press Contact: Peter Troop, Novell, 408-473-8361; Dick Gray, AT&T, 908-221-5057; Larry Lytle, USL, 908-522-5186) * * * ********************* КАК НА ЗАПАДЕ ОТНОСЯТСЯ К ПИРАТАМ ********************** ============================================================================= * Forwarded by Andrew Kovalev (2:5020/23.50) using GoldED 2.40.P0720+ * Area : ENET.SYSOP (ENET.SYSOP) * From : Tirs Abril, 2:343/106 (31 Дек 1992 (Чт) 23:51) * To : Ron Dwight * Subj : Cracked FD 2.10 ============================================================================= Hey JoHo! Might I use some cracked FD 2.10 for my own private network? Since I won't use'em in FidoNet, there should be no problem, ok? Hey Tobias! I'm planning to build a pirate, totally private network. No problem on using cracked FastEchos, huh? Hey Folkert! I *absolutely need* the retear option in your FMail program, but I don't want to afford the 1500pta (four beers) it costs in Spanish currency! No problem, in cracking, then? And so ad libitum, ad infinitum, ad nauseam. As some of the aforementioned nice guys know, I've been working against piracy in FidoNet in various fronts. Will it be only to see how they simply say "out of Fidonet, everything is valid" and continue using their dirty, rotten-smelling software freely in our network and even announcing and promotioning it? Please Ron, DON'T ALLOW THESE GUYS TO CHEAT YOU! They are making profit on others' work; they are CRIMINALS. Efraim is trying to get rid of them long time ago, but they know how to tell lies to a person who lives in Finland, not in Region 34, and therefore is not able to see what are they doing with his own eyes. Please, think of it (I know, you have lots of things to think of) and let Efraim keep Fidonet clean of pirates. ______ | !rs ___ + Origin: Zone 2 is Copydwight (c) Fido, 1993 (2:343/106) ************* Стоимость акций APPLE превысила стоимость акций IBM **************** To: netters Sender: L-usenet@river.cs.kiev.ua From: newsbytes@clarinet.com Newsgroups: clari.nb.business,clari.nb.top,biz.clarinet.sample Subject: [NEWS] ****For 1st Time, Apple's Stock Higher Than IBM's 12/17/92 Keywords: Bureau-LAX Date: 17 Dec 92 20:54:30 GMT Message-ID: Approved: cn@clarinet.com Lines: 33 CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA, U.S.A., 1992 DEC 17 (NB) -- Apple Computer's stock is selling for more than IBM for the first time ever. Apple Computer's shares were selling at $55.75 on December 16, while Merrill Lynch representatives told Newsbytes IBM's stock the same day was at $52.25. This is the first time in the existence of the two companies that Apple's stock has sold for more per share than IBM stock, according to Eric Clow of Computer Intelligence. However, the number of outstanding shares of stock as well as the price determines the market value of a company. Prudential Securities analysts told Newsbytes Apple has $118 million shares at $55.75 per share, while IBM has 571 million shares at $52.25 per share. While both companies have announced layoffs and restructuring plans, IBM has been facing red ink and has for the first time been talking about cutting its dividend to stockholders. Dan Ness of Computer Intelligence told Newsbytes, "The dividend is what blue chip stocks are all about. You get those stocks and cut those dividend coupons." IBM's stock is at its lowest point in several years. Prudential Securities representatives told Newsbytes the company's stock five years ago was in the $140 per share range. (Linda Rohrbough/19921217/Press Contact: Prudential Securities, 415-981-0440; Dan Ness, Computer Intelligence, 619-535-6733; Merrill Lynch 818-990-7788)