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Seccheck is a very simple (actually weak in comparison with JASS and Titan) security checker for Suse and Red Hat.  It consists three monolithic bash scripts


and one driver script that invokes them and is responsible for emailing reports: 


Seccheck is installed, it automatically adds a crontab, /etc/cron.d/seccheck, to run daily, weekly and monthly security checks.

# rpm -ql seccheck

The Seccheck daily, run at midnight, checks for user security vulnerabilities, system abnormalities, modules changes and port changes. It also checks for changes in user and group information and for common weaknesses that may indicate an intrusion. The changes from the last daily Seccheck run are then mailed to root.

Here is the content of  cron jobs that are created during installation of the package

# SuSE Security Checks
0 0 * * *       root  test -x /usr/lib/secchk/ && /usr/lib/secchk/ daily &
0 1 * * 1       root  test -x /usr/lib/secchk/ && /usr/lib/secchk/ weekly &
0 4 1 * *       root  test -x /usr/lib/secchk/ && /usr/lib/secchk/ monthly &

Library  /usr/lib/secchk contains the following entries

-rwxr----- 1 root root   865 Jun 16  2006 checkneverlogin
-rwxr----- 1 root root  3415 Jun 16  2006
-rwxr----- 1 root root 16459 Jun 16  2006
-rwxr----- 1 root root  1815 Jun 16  2006
-rwxr----- 1 root root  4988 Jun 16  2006
Scripts can be run individually from this directory.

Daily report is not that helpful:

/usr/lib/secchk # ./

Checking the /etc/group file:
Group bin(1) has got the following members: daemon

The following loadable kernel modules are currently installed:

The following programs have got bound sockets:
apxgw         root   0t0  TCP *:5135 (LISTEN)
coda          root   0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
gdm           root   0t0  UDP *:177
httpd2-pr     root   0t0  TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
httpd2-pr   wwwrun   0t0  TCP *:80 (LISTEN)
master        root   0t0  TCP *:25 (LISTEN)
ntpd           ntp   0t0  UDP
ntpd           ntp   0t0  UDP
ntpd           ntp   0t0  UDP *:123
ntpd           ntp   0t0  UDP
ntpd           ntp   0t0  UDP
opcacta       root   0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
opcmsga       root   0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
opcmsga       root   0t0  UDP *:35456
ovbbccb       root   0t0  TCP *:383 (LISTEN)
ovcd          root   0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
ovcd          root   0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
ovconfd       root   0t0  TCP (LISTEN)
ovtrcd        root   0t0  TCP *:5053 (LISTEN)
rpcbind       root   0t0  TCP *:111 (LISTEN)
rpcbind       root   0t0  UDP *:111
rpcbind       root   0t0  UDP *:668
sshd          root   0t0  TCP *:22 (LISTEN)
xinetd        root   0t0  TCP *:21 (LISTEN)
xinetd        root   0t0  TCP *:23 (LISTEN)
xinetd        root   0t0  TCP *:5555 (LISTEN)
xinetd        root   0t0  TCP *:5801 (LISTEN)
xinetd        root   0t0  TCP *:5901 (LISTEN)
xinetd        root   0t0  UDP *:69
X             root   0t0  TCP *:6000 (LISTEN)
Weekly report is more helpful
/usr/lib/secchk # ./

Password security checking not possible, package john not installed.

Please check and perhaps disable the following unused accounts:
Warning: user mcevoyg has got a password and a valid shell but never logged in.
Warning: user burragjl has got a password and a valid shell but never logged in.

The following files are suid/sgid:
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       audio        23880 2012-03-06 20:48 /bin/eject
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         94776 2012-03-06 20:15 /bin/mount
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         40048 2012-03-06 20:08 /bin/ping
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         35792 2012-03-06 20:08 /bin/ping6
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         40016 2012-04-09 17:22 /bin/su
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         69208 2012-03-06 20:15 /bin/umount
+ -rwsr-x--- 1 root       messagebus   47880 2012-03-06 20:15 /lib64/dbus-1/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
+ -r-sr-sr-x 1 root       root        585384 2011-06-09 09:25 /opt/omni/lbin/cat_d
+ -r-s------ 1 root       root        503552 2011-06-09 09:25 /opt/omni/lbin/inet
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root        111272 2012-03-06 20:48 /sbin/mount.nfs
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       10736 2012-03-06 20:13 /sbin/unix2_chkpwd
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       35688 2012-03-06 19:59 /sbin/unix_chkpwd
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       trusted      52360 2012-03-06 20:48 /usr/bin/at
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       86200 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/chage
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       82472 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/chfn
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       77848 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/chsh
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       trusted      40432 2012-03-06 20:48 /usr/bin/crontab
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       19320 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/expiry
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       trusted      31552 2012-03-06 20:48 /usr/bin/fusermount
+ -rwsr-x--- 1 root       lp           10624 2012-03-06 20:23 /usr/bin/get_printing_ticket
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       85952 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/gpasswd
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 lp         lp           14904 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/lppasswd
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         19416 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/newgrp
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         44304 2012-03-06 20:22 /usr/bin/opiepasswd
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         44752 2012-03-06 20:22 /usr/bin/opiesu
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       shadow       81856 2012-03-06 20:13 /usr/bin/passwd
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         23408 2012-03-06 20:23 /usr/bin/rcp
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         19248 2012-03-06 20:23 /usr/bin/rlogin
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         15088 2012-03-06 20:23 /usr/bin/rsh
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root        225800 2012-03-06 20:10 /usr/bin/sudo
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       shadow       15128 2011-04-06 03:20 /usr/bin/vlock
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       tty          15000 2012-03-06 20:48 /usr/bin/wall
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       tty          14896 2012-03-06 20:48 /usr/bin/write
+ -rws--x--x 1 root       root       1910344 2012-03-06 20:48 /usr/bin/Xorg
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         26897 2012-03-06 19:57 /usr/lib64/pt_chown
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         19192 2012-03-06 20:31 /usr/lib/libgnomesu/gnomesu-pam-backend
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       polkituser   19008 2012-03-06 20:16 /usr/lib/PolicyKit/polkit-explicit-grant-helper
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       polkituser   19208 2012-03-06 20:16 /usr/lib/PolicyKit/polkit-grant-helper
+ -rwsr-x--- 1 root       polkituser   10744 2012-03-06 20:16 /usr/lib/PolicyKit/polkit-grant-helper-pam
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       polkituser   14856 2012-03-06 20:16 /usr/lib/PolicyKit/polkit-read-auth-helper
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       polkituser   23160 2012-03-06 20:16 /usr/lib/PolicyKit/polkit-revoke-helper
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 polkituser root         23176 2012-03-06 20:16 /usr/lib/PolicyKit/polkit-set-default-helper
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       tty          15096 2012-03-06 20:21 /usr/lib/vte/gnome-pty-helper
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       maildrop     15136 2012-03-06 20:23 /usr/sbin/postdrop
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       maildrop     19176 2012-03-06 20:23 /usr/sbin/postqueue
+ -rwxr-sr-x 1 root       tty          10680 2012-03-06 20:02 /usr/sbin/utempter
+ -rwsr-xr-x 1 root       root         10632 2012-04-09 16:43 /usr/sbin/zypp-refresh-wrapper

The following program executables are group/world writeable:
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun  1240 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun    81 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/etalon.forward
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun  1328 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/etalon.pipe
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun 88583 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/lotusmes
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   123 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/lotusmes.log
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   147 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   612 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/pmake
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   112 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   142 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/test2
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun    76 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun  3113 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/testmes
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun  3113 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/testmes.bac
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   119 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   142 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   141 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-x 1 lotusmes bezroun   160 2011-05-02 18:29 /home/lotusmes/
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root     1836 2012-09-04 13:00 /tmp/
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root     1727 2012-09-04 13:00 /tmp/
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root       28 2012-09-04 13:00 /tmp/
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root      544 2011-11-30 10:53 /tmp/tivoli_cleanup_lnx
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root     5978 2012-05-29 13:12 /usr/BASFBIN/addusers/add_users
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root       40 2012-05-29 13:12 /usr/BASFBIN/addusers/run_add_users
+ -rwxrwxr-- 1 root     root     4525 2012-05-21 09:55 /usr/BASFBIN/

The following files/directories are world writeable and not sticky:
+ /opt/apxpccu
+ /opt/apxpccu/bin
+ /opt/apxpccu/log
+ /opt/apxpccu/log/pccUcmdlog.txt
+ /opt/apxpccu/var
+ /opt/apxpccu/var/apxlog
+ /opt/apxpccu/var/APXRD.FLAG
+ /opt/apxpccu/var/APXWR.FLAG
+ /opt/apxpccu/var/OUTPUT
+ /opt/omni/newconfig/var/opt/omni/enhincrdb
+ /opt/omni/newconfig/var/opt/omni/log
+ /opt/omni/newconfig/var/opt/omni/tmp
+ /var/opt/omni/enhincrdb
+ /var/opt/omni/log
+ /var/opt/omni/log/debug.log
+ /var/opt/omni/log/inet.log
+ /var/opt/omni/server/log
+ /var/opt/omni/tmp
+ /var/opt/omni/tmp/usr_omni
+ /var/opt/omni/tmp/usr_omni/log
+ /var/opt/omni/tmp/usr_omni/log/debug.log
+ /var/opt/omni/tmp/usr_omni/log/inet.log
+ /var/opt/omni/tmp/usr_omni/tmp
+ /var/opt/omni/windu
+ /var/opt/OV/tmp/public/OpC/monagtq
+ /var/opt/OV/tmp/public/OpC/msgiq

Checks performed

Check Explanation
/etc/passwd check Length/number/contents of fields, accounts with same uid accounts with uid/gid of 0 or 1 beside root and bin
/etc/shadow check Length/number/contents of fields, accounts with no password
/etc/group check Length/number/contents of fields
User root checks Secure umask and PATH
/etc/ftpusers Checks if important system users are put there
/etc/aliases Checks for mail aliases which execute programs
.rhosts check Checks if users' .rhosts file contain + signs
Home directory Checks if home directories are writable or owned by someone else
dot-files check Checks many dot-files in the home directories if they are writable or owned by someone else
Mailbox check Checks if user mailboxes are owned by user and unreadable
NFS export check Exports should not be exported globally
NFS import check NFS mounts should have the "nosuid" option set
Promisc check Checks if network cards are in promiscuous mode
list modules Lists loaded modules
list sockets Lists open ports

The weekly security check is a more exhaustive user and file system check, checks that are important but too intensive to run daily. The weekly scripts are run every Monday at 1:00am. They include checks for weak passwords, changes in the system files, files and executables that are group or world writable and all system devices. Again, only the differences from the previous weekly security scan are mailed to root. See Table 3 for a list of checks in the weekly scan.

Check Explanation
Password check Runs john to crack the password file, user will get an email notice to change his password
rpm md5 check Checks for changed files via rpm's md5 checksum feature
suid/sgid check Lists all suid and sgid files
exec group write Lists all executables which are group/world writable
Writable check Lists all files which are world writable (incl. Above)
Device check Lists all devices

The monthly security check is run on the first day of every month at 4:00am, and it sends a complete set of information in both daily and weekly checks to root. One pitfall of using Seccheck is that one has to pay attention to when changes are reported. Since only changes to the system from the last Seccheck analysis are e-mailed, anomalies appear only once. If you miss a change, you may not catch suspicious activity for a week or even a month.

Seccheck is a good set of security auditing tools that monitor many of the user-related vulnerabilities. It is surprising that is it not enabled by default.

Even though Seccheck has a filesystem integrity check, it is always better to install a separate system integrity checker with control of the file signature database.

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The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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Last modified: March 12, 2019