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qalter -- Change Job Priority

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The attributes of a batch job can altered dynamically by SGE server that manages the batch job. The qalter  is a user-accessible client that can request the alteration of the attributes of one or more batch jobs. As a means of altering a queued job, the qalter  utility is superior to deleting and requeuing the batch job because  an altered job retains its place in the queue. A batch job to be altered is selected via job_id

The qalter  utility alters the attributes of batch jobs in the order in which the batch job_ids are presented to the utility. If the qalter  utility fails to process a batch job_id  successfully, the utility proceeds to process the remaining batch job_ids, if any. For each identified batch job for which the qalter  utility fails, the utility shall not alter any attribute of the batch job.

The options processed by the qalter  utility are very similar, almost identical to those of the qsub  utility, with a few exceptions: -V, -v, and -q. The -V  and -v  are inappropriate for the qalter  utility, since they capture potentially transient environment information from the submitting process. The -q  option would specify a new queue, which would largely negate the previously the advantage of preserving position in queue sited above.

In case of pending jobs, you might also get some hints on why your job with the job identifier job-id  is still waiting in queue, by executing

qalter -w p job-id

You can also verify a submitted job with

qalter -w v job-id

If the previous command delivers the following message, there's something wrong with the job and it will never be able to run:

verification: no suitable queues

The result of an attempt on the part of a user to alter a batch job in a RUNNING state is implementation-defined because a batch job in the RUNNING state will already have opened its output files and otherwise performed any actions indicated by the options in effect at the time the batch job began execution.


As options for qalter command are mostly identical to options for the qsub  command additional information about them can be found is the description of qsub utility.

-p priority -- Redefine the priority of the batch job.

the -p priority specified for the job is also known as the POSIX priority "pprio".  The qalter  utility accepts a value for the priority option-argument that conforms to the syntax for signed decimal integers, and which is not less than -1024 and not greater than 1023. The qalter  sets the Priority  attribute of the batch job to the value of the priority  option-argument.

To change job priority you need to be an admin of SGE. If SGE was installed as root that mean that you need to execute command as root possibly via sudo. 

qalter -p value job 
qalter -p  1020  101 
The change will be seen in qstat. In  SGE, it is possible to use two modes of job prioritization.

Jobs with the same priority are processed according to the time they came to the queue (i.e. FIFO). The default is -p 0 and -js 0.

The job_identifier  operand syntax is provided so that the user can differentiate between the originating and destination (or executing) batch server. These may or may not be the same. The . server_name  portion identifies the originating batch server, while the @ server  portion identifies the destination batch server.

Historically, the qalter  utility has been a component of the Network Queuing System (NQS), the existing practice from which this utility has been derived.

Dot files

you can provide default arguments to qstat in two dot files (sorted by precedence):

1. $SGE_ROOT/$SGE_CELL/common/sge_qstat ( see sge_qstat(5) - Linux man page)

sge_qstat defines the command line switches that will be used by qstat by default. If available, the default sge_qstat file is read and processed by qstat(1).

There is a cluster global and a user private sge_qstat file. The user private file has the highest precedence and is followed by the cluster global sge_qstat file. Command line switches used with qstat(1) override all switches contained in the user private or cluster global sge_qstat file.

The default sge_qstat file may contain an arbitrary number of lines. Blank lines and lines with a '#' sign at the first column are skipped. Each line not to be skipped may contain any qstat(1) option as described in the Sun Grid Engine Reference Manual. More than one option per line is allowed.

The following is a simple example of a default sge_qstat file:

# Just show me my own running and suspended jobs
-s rs -u $user
Having defined a default sge_qstat file like this and using qstat as follows:
has the same effect as if qstat was executed with:
qstat -s rs -u <current_user> 
<sge_root>/<cell>/common/sge_qstat      global defaults file
$HOME/.sge_qstat                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 user private defaults file

2. $HOME/.sge_qstat

You can also make a default -u '*' which replicates the old SGE 6.0 behavior showing info for all users ( -u "*")  “qstat” defaults to



qalter -w v <jobid>      This command enlists the reasons why a job is not dispatchable in principle.

GE list of commands

The qalter command lets you change/add/remove a given resource for a pending job.

Examples :

- To modify the requested memory of a pending job (setting s_vmem=2G)
> qalter -mods l_hard s_vmem 2G <jobid>
- To add a given resource to a pending job (adding sps=1)
> qalter -adds l_hard sps 1 <jobid>
- To remove a given resource from a pending job (removing hpss=1)
> qalter -clears l_hard hpss <jobid>
- To remove all resources from a pending job :
> qalter -clearp l_hard <jobid>
- To replace the list of all "Hard Resources" by a new list :
> qalter -l s_vmem=2G,sps=1,hpss=1 <jobid>
- To change the queue of a pending job
> qalter -q <new_queue_name> <jobid>
Type "man qalter" for other options like change of queue, of email, ...

Cornell Virtual Workshop

The qhold command is essentially a special case of the workhorse qalter command. qalter allows you to change any property of a job after it has been submitted, including of course, the holds! The options to qalter mimic qsub, as both set properties on jobs. However, it isn't possible to create a new job with qalter, it only works on already existing jobs. Here are two examples of qalter, but the command should be pretty self-explantory (if you've read the qsub docs by now!).

login3% qalter -M [email protected] 28788
modified mail list of job 28788
login3% qalter -h u 28788

sungridengine - qalter to remove an advanced reservation - Stack Overflow

Q: I would like to create an array job where the tasks don't all execute at the same time. The tasks will be enabled by some future command. The reason that I need this feature is that I want to aggregate what would otherwise be many related jobs but the data needed for all the jobs isn't available at the same time.

I thought that I could use qalter but it doesn't allow changing options by task. It seems that I can't even adjust the number of tasks in a job. The only remaining option that I have is to let all the tasks issue and sleep until the data is available but I don't like that solution as it results in wasted slots.

How can I get the behavior that I want, whereby an array job is created for a set of related tasks but the tasks issue in a controllable way?
A: Use qalter command with -hard option and queue name..

Example from Other SGE Features

Well, the last few lines of this command show that job 104, my job, cannot start because I requested more slots on a single machine than there are anywhere. To fix this, we could do something like this:

 qalter -pe mpi-fill 32 104
modified parallel environment of job 104
modified slot range of job 104

This modifies the job, telling it to use a different parallel environment. When we run the qstat -j command, we see that:

 qstat -j
scheduling info:            queue instance "[email protected]" dropped because it is full
                            queue instance "[email protected]" dropped because it is full
                            queue instance "[email protected]" dropped because it is overloaded: memory=0.000000 (no load value) <= 0G
                            queue instance "[email protected]" dropped because it is overloaded: memory=0.000000 (no load value) <= 0G
 qstat -f -u mozes -r -ne
queuename                      qtype resv/used/tot. load_avg arch          states
[email protected]          BIPC  0/16/16        0.86     lx24-amd64    a
    104 0.50000 sge_test.s mozes        r     04/27/2009 11:26:35    16        
       Full jobname:     sge_test.sub
       Master Queue:     [email protected]
       Requested PE:     mpi-fill 32
       Granted PE:       mpi-fill 32
       Hard Resources:   h_rt=3600 (0.000000)
                         memory=4G (0.000000)
       Soft Resources:   
       Hard requested queues: *@@titans
[email protected]          BIPC  0/16/16        0.15     lx24-amd64    a
    104 0.50000 sge_test.s mozes        r     04/27/2009 11:26:35    16        
       Full jobname:     sge_test.sub
       Master Queue:     [email protected]
       Requested PE:     mpi-fill 32
       Granted PE:       mpi-fill 32
       Hard Resources:   h_rt=3600 (0.000000)
                         memory=4G (0.000000)
       Soft Resources:   
       Hard requested queues: *@@titans

Oliver Wiki SGE

Tips via my co-worker, Albert—to add arguments to jobs that are still in the queue:
$ qalter [additional flag] [jobid]
For example, to set the email notification:
$ qalter -m be -M [email protected] [jobid]

qalter Bug/feature:

 -- have a job with, for example, 
      hard resource_list  twoday=TRUE

 -- want to remove this so can run in eg seven-day queue

 -- this
        qalter -l twoday=FALSE <jobid>
    does not seem to do what we want

 -- this
        qalter -l '' <jobid>

LRZ Interactive Jobs and Batch Queuing with SGE

qalter -l h_rt=04:00:00 3532616

would change the maximum run time of the job submitted above from 8 to 4 hours.

Using qalter -l always gives an error but alters resources anyway · Issue #5 · gridengine-gridengine · GitHub

mdonauer commented on Jul 15 2011

On 07/12/2011 07:03 PM,

kisielk wrote: For example, if I have a job in the error state because it exceeded its h_vmem resource, I try to alter the job to change the resource request: $ qalter -l h_vmem=2G 1132393 denied: can't change consumable resource request "h_vmem" of running job modified hard resource list of job 1132393 $ Inspecting the job with qstat -j shows that the resource request was modified, despite the "denied" message.

Hi, which version of Grid Engine are you using? I can't reproduce it with my version. Marco

Reg SGE qalter command

Re: Reg: SGE qalter commandreuti <reuti <at>>
2010-09-01 08:50:06 GMT
Am 01.09.2010 um 10:10 schrieb thamizhannal:

> Thanks a lot Reuti. My job was on running state when I issue qlater.
> What do you mean by re-queuing? You meant to say resubmitting the job
> with new wall time or Issuing qalter command to modify job's wall time
> and queue.


1) `qalter` the running job

2) use `qmod -rj ...` to requeue the job (this will also be triggered by certain conditions like a
checkpointing environment)

-- Reuti

> Regards,
> Thamizhannal
> -----Original Message-----
> From: reuti [mailto:reuti <at>] 
> Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2010 12:25 PM
> To: users <at>
> Subject: Re: [GE users] Reg: SGE qalter command
> Hi,
> Am 01.09.2010 um 08:05 schrieb thamizhannal:
>> I require clarification on qalter command working on SGE.
>> I have submitted SGE job with wall time request.
>> qsub -l h_rt=00:01:00 ~/Generic/
>> After that, I have modified the wall time using qalter command.
>> qalter -l h_rt=00:20:00 <job_id>
>> The job's wall time gets updated. I could see the updated wall time
> using qstat -j <job_id> command.
>> But the job gets failed once it reaches its initial wall time (1 min).
> The altered wall time does not taken into consideration by SGE.
> was the job already running at time of the change? The changed settings
> will only be honored when the job is requeued or is still waiting.
> -- Reuti
>> Can anyone explain me reason?
>> Regards,
>> Thamizhannal P
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Referenced By

jsv(1), jsv_script_interface(3), qhold-ge(1), qhost(1), qquota(1), qrls-ge(1), qstat-ge(1), sge_accounting(5), sge_conf(5), sge_intro(1), sge_reporting(5), sge_sched_conf(5)



qalter [-a  date_time][-A  account_string][-c  interval][-e  path_name]
  hold_list][-j  join_list][-k  keep_list][-l  resource_list]
  mail_options][-M  mail_list][-N  name][-o  path_name]
  priority][-r  y|n][-S  path_name_list][-u  user_list]
job_identifier  ... 

The attributes of a batch job are altered by a request to the batch server that manages the batch job. The qalter  utility is a user-accessible batch client that requests the alteration of the attributes of one or more batch jobs.

The qalter  utility shall alter the attributes of those batch jobs, and only those batch jobs, for which a batch job_identifier  is presented to the utility.

The qalter  utility shall alter the attributes of batch jobs in the order in which the batch job_identifiers are presented to the utility.

If the qalter  utility fails to process a batch job_identifier  successfully, the utility shall proceed to process the remaining batch job_identifiers, if any.

For each batch job_identifier  for which the qalter  utility succeeds, each attribute of the identified batch job shall be altered as indicated by all the options presented to the utility.

For each identified batch job for which the qalter  utility fails, the utility shall not alter any attribute of the batch job.

For each batch job that the qalter  utility processes, the utility shall not modify any attribute other than those required by the options and option-arguments presented to the utility.

The qalter  utility shall alter batch jobs by sending a Modify Job Request  to the batch server that manages each batch job. At the time the qalter  utility exits, it shall have modified the batch job corresponding to each successfully processed batch job_identifier. An attempt to alter the attributes of a batch job in the RUNNING state is implementation-defined.


The qalter  utility shall conform to the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 12.2, Utility Syntax Guidelines.

The following options shall be supported by the implementation:

-a date_time 
Redefine the time at which the batch job becomes eligible for execution.

The date_time  argument shall be in the same form and represent the same time as for the touch  utility. The time so represented shall be set into the Execution_Time  attribute of the batch job. If the time specified is earlier than the current time, the -a  option shall have no effect.

-A account_string 
Redefine the account to which the resource consumption of the batch job should be charged.

The syntax of the account_string  option-argument is unspecified.

The qalter  utility shall set the Account_Name  attribute of the batch job to the value of the account_string  option-argument.

-c interval 
Redefine whether the batch job should be checkpointed, and if so, how often.

The qalter  utility shall accept a value for the interval option-argument that is one of the following:

No checkpointing is to be performed on the batch job (NO_CHECKPOINT).
Checkpointing is to be performed only when the batch server is shut down (CHECKPOINT_AT_SHUTDOWN).
Automatic periodic checkpointing is to be performed at the Minimum_Cpu_Interval  attribute of the batch queue, in units of CPU minutes (CHECKPOINT_AT_MIN_CPU_INTERVAL).
Automatic periodic checkpointing is to be performed every minutes  of CPU time, or every Minimum_Cpu_Interval  minutes, whichever is greater. The minutes  argument shall conform to the syntax for unsigned integers and shall be greater than zero.

An implementation may define other checkpoint intervals. The conformance document for an implementation shall describe any alternative checkpoint intervals, how they are specified, their internal behavior, and how they affect the behavior of the utility.

The qalter  utility shall set the Checkpoint  attribute of the batch job to the value of the interval  option-argument.

-e path_name 
Redefine the path to be used for the standard error stream of the batch job.

The qalter  utility shall accept a path_name  option-argument that conforms to the syntax of the path_name  element defined in the System Interfaces volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, which can be preceded by a host name element of the form hostname:.

If the path_name  option-argument constitutes an absolute pathname, the qalter  utility shall set the Error_Path  attribute of the batch job to the value of the path_name  option-argument, including the host name element, if present.

If the path_name  option-argument constitutes a relative pathname and no host name element is specified, the qalter  utility shall set the Error_Path  attribute of the batch job to the value of the absolute pathname derived by expanding the path_name  option-argument relative to the current directory of the process that executes the qalter  utility.

If the path_name  option-argument constitutes a relative pathname and a host name element is specified, the qalter  utility shall set the Error_Path  attribute of the batch job to the value of the option-argument without expansion.

If the path_name  option-argument does not include a host name element, the qalter  utility shall prefix the pathname in the Error_Path  attribute with hostname:, where hostname  is the name of the host upon which the qalter  utility is being executed.

-h hold_list 
Redefine the types of holds, if any, on the batch job. The qalter  -h  option shall accept a value for the hold_list  option-argument that is a string of alphanumeric characters in the portable character set.

The qalter  utility shall accept a value for the hold_list  option-argument that is a string of one or more of the characters 'u', 's', or 'o', or the single character 'n'  . For each unique character in the hold_list  option-argument, the qalter  utility shall add a value to the Hold_Types  attribute of the batch job as follows, each representing a different hold type:


If any of these characters are duplicated in the hold_list  option-argument, the duplicates shall be ignored. An existing Hold_Types  attribute can be cleared by the hold type:


The qalter  utility shall consider it an error if any hold type other than 'n'  is combined with hold type 'n'  . Strictly conforming applications shall not repeat any of the characters 'u', 's', 'o', or 'n'  within the hold_list  option-argument. The qalter  utility shall permit the repetition of characters, but shall not assign additional meaning to the repeated characters. An implementation may define other hold types. The conformance document for an implementation shall describe any additional hold types, how they are specified, their internal behavior, and how they affect the behavior of the utility.

-j join_list 
Redefine which streams of the batch job are to be merged. The qalter  -j  option shall accept a value for the join_list  option-argument that is a string of alphanumeric characters in the portable character set.

The qalter  utility shall accept a join_list  option-argument that consists of one or more of the characters 'e'  and 'o', or the single character 'n'  .

All of the other batch job output streams specified shall be merged into the output stream represented by the character listed first in the join_list  option-argument.

For each unique character in the join_list  option-argument, the qalter  utility shall add a value to the Join_Path  attribute of the batch job as follows, each representing a different batch job stream to join:

The standard error of the batch job (JOIN_STD_ERROR).
The standard output of the batch job (JOIN_STD_OUTPUT).

An existing Join_Path  attribute can be cleared by the join type:


If 'n'  is specified, then no files are joined. The qalter  utility shall consider it an error if any join type other than 'n'  is combined with join type 'n'  .

Strictly conforming applications shall not repeat any of the characters 'e', 'o', or 'n'  within the join_list  option-argument. The qalter  utility shall permit the repetition of characters, but shall not assign additional meaning to the repeated characters.

An implementation may define other join types. The conformance document for an implementation shall describe any additional batch job streams, how they are specified, their internal behavior, and how they affect the behavior of the utility.

-k keep_list 
Redefine which output of the batch job to retain on the execution host.

The qalter  -k  option shall accept a value for the keep_list  option-argument that is a string of alphanumeric characters in the portable character set.

The qalter  utility shall accept a keep_list  option-argument that consists of one or more of the characters 'e'  and 'o', or the single character 'n'  .

For each unique character in the keep_list  option-argument, the qalter  utility shall add a value to the Keep_Files  attribute of the batch job as follows, each representing a different batch job stream to keep:

The standard error of the batch job (KEEP_STD_ERROR).
The standard output of the batch job (KEEP_STD_OUTPUT).

If both 'e'  and 'o'  are specified, then both files are retained. An existing Keep_Files  attribute can be cleared by the keep type:


If 'n'  is specified, then no files are retained. The qalter  utility shall consider it an error if any keep type other than 'n'  is combined with keep type 'n'  .

Strictly conforming applications shall not repeat any of the characters 'e', 'o', or 'n'  within the keep_list  option-argument. The qalter  utility shall permit the repetition of characters, but shall not assign additional meaning to the repeated characters. An implementation may define other keep types. The conformance document for an implementation shall describe any additional keep types, how they are specified, their internal behavior, and how they affect the behavior of the utility.

-l resource_list 
Redefine the resources that are allowed or required by the batch job.

The qalter  utility shall accept a resource_list  option-argument that conforms to the following syntax:


The qalter  utility shall set one entry in the value of the Resource_List  attribute of the batch job for each resource listed in the resource_list  option-argument.

Because the list of supported resource names might vary by batch server, the qalter  utility shall rely on the batch server to validate the resource names and associated values.o the Mail_Users  attribute of the batch job as follows, each representing a different time during the life of a batch job at which to send mail:


If any of these characters are duplicated in the mail_options  option-argument, the duplicates shall be ignored.

An existing Mail_Points  attribute can be cleared by the mail type:


If 'n'  is specified, then mail is not sent. The qalter  utility shall consider it an error if any mail type other than 'n'  is combined with mail type 'n'  . Strictly conforming applications shall not repeat any of the characters 'e', 'b', 'a', or 'n'  within the mail_options  option-argument. The qalter  utility shall permit the repetition of characters but shall not assign additional meaning to the repeated characters.

An implementation may define other mail types. The conformance document for an implementation shall describe any additional mail types, how they are specified, their internal behavior, and how they affect the behavior of the utility.

-M mail_list 
Redefine the list of users to which the batch server that executes the batch job is to send mail, if the batch server sends mail about the batch job.

The syntax of the mail_list  option-argument is unspecified. If the implementation of the qalter  utility uses a name service to locate users, the utility shall accept the syntax used by the name service.

If the implementation of the qalter  utility does not use a name service to locate users, the implementation shall accept the following syntax for user names:


The interpretation of mail_address  is implementation-defined.

The qalter  utility shall set the Mail_Users  attribute of the batch job to the value of the mail_list  option-argument.

-N name 
Redefine the name of the batch job.

The qalter  -N  option shall accept a value for the name  option-argument that is a string of up to 15 alphanumeric characters in the portable character set where the first character is alphabetic.

The syntax of the name  option-argument is unspecified.

The qalter  utility shall set the Job_Name  attribute of the batch job to the value of the name  option-argument.

-o path_name 
Redefine the path for the standard output of the batch job.

The qalter  utility shall accept a path_name  option-argument that conforms to the syntax of the path_name  element defined in the System Interfaces volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, which can be preceded by a host name element of the form hostname:.

If the path_name  option-argument constitutes an absolute pathname, the qalter  utility shall set the Output_Path  attribute of the batch job to the value of the path_name  option-argument.

If the path_name  option-argument constitutes a relative pathname and no host name element is specified, the qalter  utility shall set the Output_Path  attribute of the batch job to the absolute pathname derived by expanding the path_name  option-argument relative to the current directory of the process that executes the qalter  utility.

If the path_name  option-argument constitutes a relative pathname and a host name element is specified, the qalter  utility shall set the Output_Path  attribute of the batch job to the value of the path_name  option-argument without any expansion of the pathname.

If the path_name  option-argument does not include a host name element, the qalter  utility shall prefix the pathname in the Output_Path  attribute with hostname:, where hostname  is the name of the host upon which the qalter  utility is being executed.

-p priority 
Redefine the priority of the batch job.

The qalter  utility shall accept a value for the priority option-argument that conforms to the syntax for signed decimal integers, and which is not less than -1024 and not greater than 1023.

The qalter  utility shall set the Priority  attribute of the batch job to the value of the priority  option-argument.

-r y|n 
Redefine whether the batch job is rerunnable.

If the value of the option-argument is 'y', the qalter  utility shall set the Rerunable  attribute of the batch job to TRUE.

If the value of the option-argument is 'n', the qalter  utility shall set the Rerunable  attribute of the batch job to FALSE.

The qalter  utility shall consider it an error if any character other than 'y'  or 'n'  is specified in the option-argument.

-S path_name_list 
Redefine the shell that interprets the script at the destination system.

The qalter  utility shall accept a path_name_list  option-argument that conforms to the following syntax:


The qalter  utility shall accept only one pathname that is missing a corresponding host name. The qalter  utility shall allow only one pathname per named host.

The qalter  utility shall add a value to the Shell_Path_List  attribute of the batch job for each entry in the path_name_list  option-argument. See Multiple Keyword-Value Pairs  for a means of removing keyword= value  (and value@ keyword) pairs and other general rules for list-oriented batch job attributes.

-u user_list 
Redefine the user name under which the batch job is to run at the destination system.

The qalter  utility shall accept a user_list  option-argument that conforms to the following syntax:


The qalter  utility shall accept only one user name that is missing a corresponding host name. The qalter  utility shall accept only one user name per named host.

The qalter  utility shall add a value to the User_List  attribute of the batch job for each entry in the user_list  option-argument. See Multiple Keyword-Value Pairs  for a means of removing keyword= value  (and value@ keyword) pairs and other general rules for list-oriented batch job attributes.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables shall affect the execution of qalter:

Provide a default value for the internationalization variables that are unset or null. (See the Base Definitions volume of IEEE Std 1003.1-2001, Section 8.2, Internationalization Variables for the precedence of internationalization variables used to determine the values of locale categories.)
If set to a non-empty string value, override the values of all the other internationalization variables.
Determine the locale for the interpretation of sequences of bytes of text data as characters (for example, single-byte as opposed to multi-byte characters in arguments).
Determine the locale that should be used to affect the format and contents of diagnostic messages written to standard error.
Determine the login name of the user.
Determine the timezone used to interpret the date-time  option-argument. If TZ  is unset or null, an unspecified default timezone shall be used.

Exit Status

The following exit values shall be returned:



Groupthink : Two Party System as Polyarchy : Corruption of Regulators : Bureaucracies : Understanding Micromanagers and Control Freaks : Toxic Managers :   Harvard Mafia : Diplomatic Communication : Surviving a Bad Performance Review : Insufficient Retirement Funds as Immanent Problem of Neoliberal Regime : PseudoScience : Who Rules America : Neoliberalism  : The Iron Law of Oligarchy : Libertarian Philosophy


War and Peace : Skeptical Finance : John Kenneth Galbraith :Talleyrand : Oscar Wilde : Otto Von Bismarck : Keynes : George Carlin : Skeptics : Propaganda  : SE quotes : Language Design and Programming Quotes : Random IT-related quotesSomerset Maugham : Marcus Aurelius : Kurt Vonnegut : Eric Hoffer : Winston Churchill : Napoleon Bonaparte : Ambrose BierceBernard Shaw : Mark Twain Quotes


Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient markets hypothesis : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 : Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 :  Vol 23, No.10 (October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments : Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 : Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 : Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan (Win32/Crilock.A) : Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers as intelligence collection hubs : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : Inequality Bulletin, 2009 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Copyleft Problems Bulletin, 2004 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Energy Bulletin, 2010 : Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26, No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 : Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05 (May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method  : Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law


Fifty glorious years (1950-2000): the triumph of the US computer engineering : Donald Knuth : TAoCP and its Influence of Computer Science : Richard Stallman : Linus Torvalds  : Larry Wall  : John K. Ousterhout : CTSS : Multix OS Unix History : Unix shell history : VI editor : History of pipes concept : Solaris : MS DOSProgramming Languages History : PL/1 : Simula 67 : C : History of GCC developmentScripting Languages : Perl history   : OS History : Mail : DNS : SSH : CPU Instruction Sets : SPARC systems 1987-2006 : Norton Commander : Norton Utilities : Norton Ghost : Frontpage history : Malware Defense History : GNU Screen : OSS early history

Classic books:

The Peter Principle : Parkinson Law : 1984 : The Mythical Man-MonthHow to Solve It by George Polya : The Art of Computer Programming : The Elements of Programming Style : The Unix Hater’s Handbook : The Jargon file : The True Believer : Programming Pearls : The Good Soldier Svejk : The Power Elite

Most popular humor pages:

Manifest of the Softpanorama IT Slacker Society : Ten Commandments of the IT Slackers Society : Computer Humor Collection : BSD Logo Story : The Cuckoo's Egg : IT Slang : C++ Humor : ARE YOU A BBS ADDICT? : The Perl Purity Test : Object oriented programmers of all nations : Financial Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : The Most Comprehensive Collection of Editor-related Humor : Programming Language Humor : Goldman Sachs related humor : Greenspan humor : C Humor : Scripting Humor : Real Programmers Humor : Web Humor : GPL-related Humor : OFM Humor : Politically Incorrect Humor : IDS Humor : "Linux Sucks" Humor : Russian Musical Humor : Best Russian Programmer Humor : Microsoft plans to buy Catholic Church : Richard Stallman Related Humor : Admin Humor : Perl-related Humor : Linus Torvalds Related humor : PseudoScience Related Humor : Networking Humor : Shell Humor : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2012 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2013 : Java Humor : Software Engineering Humor : Sun Solaris Related Humor : Education Humor : IBM Humor : Assembler-related Humor : VIM Humor : Computer Viruses Humor : Bright tomorrow is rescheduled to a day after tomorrow : Classic Computer Humor

The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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Last modified: July, 28, 2019