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Scripting the Splunk search command

Only Python or Perl scripts are currently supported. If you use Perl, you must parse the search results on your own.

You can create custom scripts to handle your Splunk search results and function as a new search command. To build a search script, put a Python script in $SPLUNK_HOME/etc/searchscripts. Python scripts in the searchscripts  directory are available in the search language and can be used in a search.

Some things to know about passing results to and from a search command:

If your Python script is called, it can be used in a search as follows:

access denied | myNewCommand

Please note:

The splunk.Intersplunk module directs events from Splunk to your Python search scripts.

The output of your script can then be fed back into Splunk as events. In the simplest case, your script does nothing and just returns what it received. To accomplish this, you would write the following script:

import sys,splunk.Intersplunk
# this call populates the results variable with all the events passed into the search script:
results,dummyresults,settings = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
# hand the results right back to Splunk

Although this code snippet does not do much, it shows you how you get the events and how you pass the data back to Splunk. If you want to change some of the events, you would add a loop to iterate over all the events. Each event is comprised of a set of key-value pairs for every extracted field.

import sys,splunk.Intersplunk
# this call populates the results variable with all the events passed into the search script:
results,dummyresults,settings = splunk.Intersplunk.getOrganizedResults()
# Iterate over all the events:
for result in results:
  # for all the events, you want to iterate over all the extracted fields:
  for key,value in result.items():
    # change the result items. This example makes all the values lowercase.
    value = value.lowercase()
    # add the changed values to a new array that is later passed back to Splunk.
    newresults.append( {key:value} )
# hand the results right back to Splunk

The above is probably the most common use-case for what you are trying to do; changing events with your own command. You do not necessarily have to return the entire original set of events. You can return any key-value pairs back to Splunk. The following is absolutely legitimate:

# This prepares the return value for the script
newresults = [ { "afterglowFilename" : "afterglow.html" } ]

This example returns only one key/value pair. This could then be combined with a field action to execute some action on this field, for example displaying the html file indicated in the value part.

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Last modified: March 12, 2019