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Syslog Internals

syslog: The UNIX System Logger

syslog is a powerful and easily configurable UNIX system resource. Available since the earliest releases of BSD UNIX, it is now supported on most versions of UNIX. Designed to be the UNIX system logging facility, syslog has always offered not just local logging to files, but also remote logging over the network via standard protocols to mixed vendor systems.

System Logging in UNIX

Logging and error reporting in UNIX have been unnecessarily complex. The following examples illustrate typical approaches for logging messages and reporting errors to the system console.

In a shell script:

% ./mydaemon 2> /dev/console &    # stderr sent to console

In C-code:

fp_console = fopen("/dev/console","w")
if ( ! stat("filename",&stat_buf) )
	/* normal action here */
else  /* error output to console */
      fprintf(fp_console,"Error: cannot open file");

While this may be acceptable for output written directly to your process window, these approaches have potential drawbacks for console I/O:

In general, system log and error messages should not be written directly to the system console, except under the most urgent of circumstances. For example, a kernel crash and the display of system state information should be directed to the system console.

To remedy non-uniform message reporting and address problems noted above, early releases of the BSD-UNIX operating system introduced the syslog message reporting system. syslog was then ported to major UNIX system implementations as features of BSD-UNIX were adopted. syslog has been implemented in HP-UX since the early releases of the operating system. Work has been done on syslog in the 10.x releases to address performance and standards issues.

Architecture of syslog

The syslog system consists of the following components:

syslog messages are encoded as ASCII strings. Message strings are created throughout the UNIX system. Messages are created at one of a set of possible levels; by setting a threshold one can direct all messages at this or a higher level to given locations. Definitions for syslog messages are in the include file usr/include/syslog.h.

Most users create syslog messages through one of the standard interfaces to syslog. The library call syslog(3c) (contained within libc) is a C-code interface to creating message strings. syslog(3c) behaves somewhat like the standard printf() interface. From the command line or within a shell script, one can invoke the command logger(1) to create syslog messages.

Messages come into syslog from various paths. Every syslog message must be directed to one of a number of communication paths that are read by the syslogd daemon. These communication channels can include:

This set of locations may include sockets, files, the system console, and logged-on users. Messages can be directed to one or more of these locations.

This set of configuration rules determines how messages are logged and the locations to which they are logged. The rules are set by the system administrator in the file /etc/syslog.conf.

Software developers who are creating their own syslog messages will be interested in the path for user-created syslog messages. User messages are typically created through either the syslog(3c) C-code interface or the logger(1) command. These messages are written to the pipe /dev/log, from which they are then read by the syslogd daemon, which directs them to configured output locations.

Message Format

One of the unique characteristics of syslog is that every message is created and logged in the form of a plain text ASCII string. Messages are then directed through pipes and sockets, written to log (ordinary) files, and displayed to users using only standard string handling operations. This presents an easy-to-use and well-understood interface but has a few performance implications that will be discussed later.

Throughout this discussion we will maintain a distinction between what we will refer to as a syslog message and a logged message. A syslog message is the actual ASCII string that is sent to or read from the pipes and sockets that make up the syslog system. It is useful to review this message format to understand some of the capabilities and limitations of syslog. The logged message is the ASCII string that is written to a log file or to a user at a terminal. This is the string the system administrator or an ordinary user will actually see.

The syslog message format is defined in the include file syslog.h. In this file are the definitions for message priority (level and facility) and the flags used to configure the syslog interfaces. Function prototypes for the syslog library calls were added to syslog.h for the HP-UX 10.x releases.

Components of syslog Messages

A syslog message is an ASCII string that consists of :-

a message priority

a timestamp

the message string

Priority is encoded as an ASCII string enclosed by the angle brackets < and > at the beginning of the string. Message priority is the ASCII integer encoding of an 8-bit quantity. This quantity is a combination of a 3-bit field (bits 0 through 2) used for message level and a 5-bit field (bits 3 through 7) used for the message facility. Thus message priority level can have 8 possible values, and message facility up to 32 possible values.

Message levels are defined as an ordered list. If one has set a threshold at a given level, one will receive all messages at this or any higher level. Thus, if you have configured your syslog to log all messages tagged LOG_WARNING, you will also log all messages of higher levels, such as LOG_ERR, LOG_CRIT. The defined message levels, from highest level to lowest, are as follows:




LOG_EMERG 0 kernel panic
LOG ALERT 1 condition needing immediate attention
LOG_CRIT 2 critical conditions
LOG_ERR 3 errors
LOG_WARNING 4 warning messages
LOG_NOTICE 5 not an error, but may need attention
LOG_INFO 6 informational messages
LOG_DEBUG 7 when debugging a system

The message facility is a tag to identify the originating subsystem of the message. Facility tags are defined in syslog.h; some are reserved for the OS and others are available for users and application developers. The following message facility tags are defined:

 LOG_KERN  (0<<3)  kernel messages
 LOG_USER  (1<<3)  random user-level messages
 LOG_MAIL  (2<<3)  mail system
 LOG_DAEMON  (3<<3)  system daemons
 LOG_AUTH (4<<3)  security/authorization messages
 LOG_SYSLOG  (5<<3)  messages generated internally by syslogd
 LOG_LPR  (6<<3)  line printer subsystem
 LOG_NEWS  (7<<3)  messages generated by the news system
 LOG_UUCP  (8<<3)  messages generated by the UUCP system
 LOG_CRON  (9<<3)  messages generated by the cron daemon
 other codes 10 through 15 are reserved for system use
LOG_LOCAL[0-7]  (16-23<<3)  reserved for local use
Logged Messages

The logged message is the ASCII string that will be written by the syslogd daemon to a user, to the console, or to a log file. The logged message is also a plain text ASCII string, but of somewhat different format. The message priority field is removed; the information in this field is used by syslogd to direct the syslog message according to the configuration rules set in /etc/syslog.conf. The timestamp is the same ASCII-encoded date/time string as before. A new "system" field is next in the string: this is the name of the system (equivalent to uname -n) that has sent the message. This is the local system if the message was locally generated, or a remote system communicating over an Internet domain socket. The message string is the actual text of the message; useful fields such as process ID and a message prefix may be inserted in this message by using the openlog() function.

Creating syslog messages syslog(3c), logger(1)

Most users and software developers will create syslog messages through the standard interfaces syslog(3c) and logger(1). The syslog library functions openlog(), closelog(), and setlogmask() are contained in the libc library; function prototypes are defined in syslog.h. The logger command (/usr/bin/logger) provides similar functionality from the command line or in a shell script.

The syslog call provides an interface with printf()-like string handling to syslog. Here is an example:


Message priority is a combination of a syslog level and facility tag. The message string has a printf-like interface: one can log ASCII strings using standard % format semantics. In addition, the "%m" format will print the global errno for the originating process. syslog() will return an error if /dev/log cannot be opened. For the 10.x releases syslog() was modified to retry the write to /dev/log if it is busy, up to 20 times with a 1/10th -second delay.

The function openlog() provides a useful method for controlling the logging process and setting default fields in the message strings. The function is called as follows:


where the following parameters can be set:

"identifying_string" is a string that is prepended to each syslog message

log_options can be one or more of the following:

LOG_PID log process ID with each message (very useful)
LOG_CONS write to console if unable to send to syslogd
LOG_NDELAY open connection to syslogd immediately
LOG_NOWAIT no wait for children logging messages to console

default_facility assigns a facility tag to identify the originating subsystem (very useful)

The following calls are also part of the syslog library interface:

setlogmask(maskpri)--sets the process log priority mask to maskpri and returns the previous priority mask value

closelog()--closes the log file

From the command line or a shell script the command logger(1) can be used. logger parses the command line arguments and calls syslog(3c).

logger [-t tag] [-p priority] [-i] [-f file | message ]


mark entry with this tag (default is getlogin() )
-p priority facility.level pair
-i log the process ID with each message
-f log from the contents of the file message or log from stdin
Example code

A developer first configures default settings for message strings using openlog(), and then logs messages to syslog() as needed.

Configure the log file:

openlog("Reactor control subsystem",LOG_PID|LOG_CONS,LOG_LOCAL0);

Send a message:

syslog(LOG_ALERT,"meltdown imminent!");
Configuring syslog

When the operating system is booted, syslogd is brought up as a user space process. syslogd is started early in the start sequence so that subsequent services can use syslog logging if needed. When the syslogd daemon is started, it reads the configuration file /etc/syslog.conf for its initial configuration. One can reconfigure syslogd and cause it to re-read its configuration file by sending it the SIGHUP signal (kill -1 syslogd_pid). The rules in /etc/syslog.conf are set by the system administrator.

Each non-comment line of /etc/syslog.conf is read as a configuration directive.

Priority tags can be one of the following ASCII strings; these strings correspond to the priority tags defined earlier for the syslog(3c) interface:

emerg or panic



error or err

warning or warn




Similarly, the facility tag can be one of the following strings, also corresponding to the facility tags defined earlier for syslog(3c):





auth or security



lp or lpr


Examples of possible selectors include:

user.error <tab> /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log # non-critical 
*.emerg <tab> /dev/console # emergencies to console

The action field specifies where the message is to be directed. Possible locations include:

file name

can be a regular file, for example a log file

device file

for example, the console at /dev/console

a list of users

write to a user if logged in


write to all users currently logged in


forward to syslogd on a remote system

Here are examples of selectors one might use:

*.emerg <tab> /dev/console # might be crashing!

*.emerg <tab> * # let users know too

*.alert <tab> root,fenwick # let root know ALERTS

*.info <tab> /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log # standard log file

The <tab> character (ASCII tab) is important; in HP-UX this separator must be the tab character, and not a blank character or any other whitespace. Starting with the HP-UX 10.x releases, the standard location for logging syslog messages is the file /var/adm/syslog/syslog.log. The log file from the immediate prior bootup or invocation of syslog is preserved in the file /var/adm/syslog/OLDsyslog.log.

Logging to Remote Hosts

One of the most useful features of syslog is that syslogd can write to an Internet-domain socket connected to a socket on a remote host. The local syslogd daemon opens a socket and writes messages to it. A remote syslogd daemon receives the message. This socket is bound to Port 514/udp, which is reserved for syslog in /etc/services. Multiple hosts can be specified, and remote hosts can be chained together. If one is chaining remote hosts together, one should be aware that the logged message will list the system name of the sending system (which may or may not be the originating).

Here is an example of how one would configure syslog for remote logging to the system "admin" in the file /etc/syslog.conf:

# sample entry in the /etc/syslog.conf file
*.error    <tab>   # forward to Admin. station
System-generated syslog messages

Many UNIX subsystems have been converted to log their messages through syslog. One can now review most kernel-generated messages through the syslog logfile. Kernel-generated messages are routed through the character-special device file /dev/klog. Most messages generated by the kernel in bootup and operation are logged to syslog. In fact, most of the information presented on the kernel bootup screens is logged. One can find the same information in the syslog log file that one can find in the kernel message buffer--there is no longer any reason to use the dmesg(1m) command.

Many of the Internet services (such as the inetd server and sendmail) have also been configured to log errors to syslog. The nettl logging service used in network drivers and services is a different logging routine, but it announces its own startup through syslog.

Since syslog operates over TCP/IP networks, networked peripherals can also use syslog services. For example, HP printers that use the JetDirect network interface card can be configured to report error conditions to syslog. This may be a convenient way to detect and report common printer errors.



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