Testifying Under Oath

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[Jan 27, 2018] Advice about how testify not reveling self-incriminating details

Jan 27, 2018 | www.unz.com

The Alarmist , January 26, 2018 at 10:28 am GMT

Police officer: "Do you know why I pulled you over?"

Respondent: "No."

Police officer: "Do you know how fast you were going?"

Respondent: "Yes"

Police officer: "How fast were you going?"

Respondent: "You tell me."

Police officer: "Are you some kind of wise guy?"

Respondent: "No."

Police officer: "We can do this the easy way or we can do this the hard way!"

Respondent: "Sir/Maam, if you believe I was doing something wrong, just tell me what it is. If you want to cite me, give me a ticket. I don't want to argue with you here, I'll take it up with the prosecutor in court with all the evidence on the table."

You would be surprised how many speeding tickets I've avoided or had kicked or knocked down with that sort of exchange.

Source: http://aanirfan.blogspot.com/2016/05/trump-and-bilderberg.html

The Alarmist , January 26, 2018 at 10:48 am GMT

Mueller: "Did you fire James Comey?"

Trump: "Yes."

Mueller: "Why?"

Trump: "It is within my Constitutional prerogatives to terminate officers who serve under me."

Mueller: "What were the grounds for the termination?"

Trump: "Asked and answered."

[Lather, rinse, repeat]

Mueller: "What is the nature of your contacts with Russian nationals or the Russian Government?"

Trump: "What contact? Do you have any specific contact in mind?"

Mueller: "Your meeting with X on [date]."

Trump: "Before I answer that, can you tell me and my counsel for the record how you were made aware of that?"

[Sep 18, 2017] Testifying Under Oath How To Be An Effective Witness 41 Tips to Prepare you for Court

March 11, 2006

Midwest Book Reviewon

An outstanding instructional guide which is perfect for preparing testifying witnesses with what they can expect

Very highly recommended and practical reading, Testifying Under Oath: How To Be An Effective Witness is an outstanding instructional guide which is perfect for preparing testifying witnesses with what they can expect.

This lawyers guide to informing a soon-to-be-witness takes the reader through every step of the process. The Chief Prosecutor and former trial judge James Vukelic analyzes the do's and don'ts of a witnesses testifying position and how to manipulate it. Readers will learn everything they need to know from Testifying Under Oath which is specifically designed to familiarize the witness with what complications they may face in procedure of trial.

[Jul 31, 2017] July 30, 2017 at 8:09 pm

Jul 31, 2017 | marknesop.wordpress.com


saskydisc , July 30, 2017 at 8:29 pm

If it comes to the point where you must leave, consider patreon or similar, as that way you can afford to be in the clear regarding court orders, as appeals work their way through the legal system, e.g. temporarily leaving.
niku , July 30, 2017 at 8:45 pm
I have never been to a court, but based on what I know, a few suggestions:

(i) Try to differentiate yourself from most of the other cases that judge would get to see (i.e., from the Central Asian migrants). Dress, attention to etiquette, keeping calm, friendly and even self-confident (suggesting that you have the means to bear an adverse decision). Point out that you know excellent English, Russian and German, and perhaps other things ! essentially, that you are not an "unskilled labourer". Impress on the judge that Russia benefits from your presence in the country ! without saying this.

Also, do not get embarrassed by doing "non-standard things" like the above! If you go the standard way, the judgement would be the standard judgement ! and you want a better-than-standard judgement!

(ii) Write down all the points you wish to make, in the order of importance, and read it out to the judge right in the beginning. You probably can sign the sheet and submit it to the judge after you have spoken. Think of it as a presentation you are making, where the written sheet would be like slides. (If you submit the sheet before you have spoken, the judge won't even listen to you, as he/she would be busy reading!) Similarly, if you repeat your points, the judge will "tune out".

Submit a summary (a cover sheet) and other sheets with explanations. Do all this even if nobody asks you to! The last point could be that you are sorry about the mistake.

(iii) People also tune out at the sight of misery. Do not appear miserable!

niku , July 30, 2017 at 8:52 pm
Court Etiquette: http://www.1215.org/lawnotes/lawnotes/courtetq.htm

Also, since you are not a lawyer, a way to make it clear to the judge (and keep the point in front of him/her all the time), is to address the judge as Sir/Madam and not 'Your Honour'. (Or the Russian equivalents.)

Since you are probably in panic and probably can't clearly think: keep everything ready, including what you will say, and in what order you will say them! You would have only a little time, and there would be no time to think then !

niku , July 30, 2017 at 10:20 pm
Lawyers and judges understand (at least good lawyers and judges are supposed to understand!), that the law is best applicable for only a particular set of cases. ...

As long as you make it clear that the above class of cases, and in consequence the above law, does not cover your case, the judges should be considerate. It says so in the book! Please don't worry much.

[Dec 26, 2016] Testifying Under Oath How To Be An Effective Witness 41 Tips to Prepare you for Court James M. Vukelic 9781884244261 Amaz

Dec 26, 2016 | www.amazon.com
5.0 out of 5 stars By Marshall D. Tessnear on December 9, 2004 Format: Paperback
An excellent book

" I have just finished reading Stanley Brodsky's Coping With Cross Examination. I absorbed it like a sponge. Although most of the book is devoted to testimony by mental health experts in criminal court, there is much in the book that is very relevant in other contexts. I have rarely been asked or required to testify in criminal cases, but I have provided expert medical testimony at hundreds of Social Security disability appeals hearings, complete with judge and lawyer. In that role there is often conflicting evidence and the expert must integrate all of the relevant evidence, and most importantly be prepared, professional, impartial, and provide relevant understandable testimony. Dr Brodsky's book clearly speaks to those points. The book is full of good examples, good humor, and good reasoning. It is the kind of book that I am likely to consult again to help me in my work. I highly recommend this book to any mental health professional who may be asked to provide sworn testimony. I also recommend it to those who may not testify but who may be retained by lawyers for evaluations or consultations. Dr. Brodsky's ethics are superb. This book is a very practical and helpful guide to working with lawyers and judges.

By A Customer on March 5, 2004 Format: Paperback
A MUST --Makes the difficult areas of Cross-Examination easy

" This is the third installment. In plain language, the author tackles many difficult cross-examination issues. The author uses easy to understand examples to illustrate complex litigation processes and skills that the expert witness must master before taking the stand. As a lawyer, I highly recommend this book to anyone interested in expert testimony. I give this book my highest rating. Also, check out the other two books on expert testimony by the author.

By pierrerostov on October 2, 2011 Format: Paperback Verified Purchase
spotty, try his first book first

" I highly recommend his first book "Testifying in Court, Guidelines and Maxims for the Expert Witness." The later books are a bit self-indulgent, with tangential stories relating to psychology or life that have little practical value. Still, there are a fair number of nuggets. The problem is, many of the gems from the first book are not included, and so the treatment of cross-ex in this book is not comprehensive. Try his first book first (It's all about cross-examination too, even though the title is more general), then see what you think.

By Amazon Customer on December 23, 2009 Format: Paperback
Indispensable Guide for Experts In Court

" This is one of a handful of books that any expert called on to testify should own. It is a well written, practical volume that will help professionals present testimony that is credible, compelling and ethical.

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