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Solaris ACL: Recommended Papers

Unix Access Control Lists (ACL)

Solaris ACLs

The Solaris ACL Mask

Operations Random Findings Etc


[Gavlin1996] Controlling ACLs - SunWorld - August 1996  by Peter Galvin

[Mauro1998] Controlling permissions with ACLs - SunWorld - June 1998 by Jim Mauro

File security in Solaris has up until recently been limited to the file mode bits that provide the traditional coarse-grained levels of protection. This month, we'll look at how access control lists are used and implemented in the Solaris kernel. (2,800 words)

The format for a file ACL is two or three columns separated by a colon:


The first column, entry_type, defines the ACL entry as set for the user, group, other or an ACL mask. The second column is (optionally) the user ID (UID) or username for user entry types, or group ID (GID) or groupname for group entry types. For entry types other and mask, this column does not apply and thus is not required. The third column is for file permissions. File permissions take either the familiar rwx (read/write/execute) symbolic form, or the numeric form in octal notation (e.g., 7 for rwx, 4 for r--, 6 for rw-, etc.), both of which are exactly identical to the format used for chmod(1). The internal representation as a data structure looks like this (from /usr/include/sys/acl.h):

typedef struct acl {
	int a_type;	/* entry type */
	uid_t a_id;	/* UID | GID  */
   o_mode_t a_perm;	/* permissions */
} aclent_t;

Each field in the above data structure corresponds to the ACL entry described above.

When the optional username (or UID) for a user entry type is excluded, and the groupname (or GID) for a group entry is empty, the traditional Solaris file permissions are being applied (we'll illustrate this in the example below).

Users set, modify, and delete ACLs using setfacl(1) and examine file ACLs using getfacl(1). The quick example below illustrates the use of file ACLs. The left hand column is numbered to provide a reference for the description that will follow.

1  sunsys> ls -l file1
2  -rwxr-xr--   1 jim      staff        130 May 25 22:13 file1
3  sunsys> chmod 000 file1
4  sunsys> ls -l file1
5  ----------   1 jim      staff        130 May 25 22:13 file1
6  sunsys> setfacl -s user::rw-,group::r--,other:r-- file1
7  sunsys> ls -l file1
8  -rw-r--r--   1 jim      staff        130 May 25 22:13 file1
9  sunsys> getfacl file1
10 # file: file1
11 # owner: jim
12 # group: staff
13 user::rw-
14 group::r--              #effective:r--
15 mask:r--
16 other:r--
17 sunsys> setfacl -m user:moe:rw- file1
18 sunsys> ls -l file1
19 -rw-r--r--+  1 jim      staff        130 May 25 22:13 file1
20 sunsys> getfacl file1
21 # file: file1
22 # owner: jim
23 # group: staff
24 user::rw-
25 user:moe:rw-            #effective:r--
26 group::r--              #effective:r--
27 mask:r--
28 other:r--

We first did a long listing of a file called file1 and set all mode bits to zero with chmod(1) (lines 1-5). Line 6 shows the setfacl(1) command with the -s flag, which is the set acl flag. The setfacl(1) command executed on line 6 does not define special permissions for a particular user or group. It is essentially the equivalent of executing a chmod 644 file command on the same file.

The long listing on line 7 shows that we now have established file permissions that are reflected in the file mode bits. Using getfacl(1) (line 9), we display the file permissions in ACL format. Now, at this point, we technically do not have an ACL for this file. The Solaris kernel looks at the ACLs being set, and for simple cases where the setfacl(1) command is simply establishing the traditional file permissions for user, group, and other, an actual ACL is not allocated for the file. The kernel applies the permissions defined in the setfacl(1) command line to the file mode field in the inode.

On line 17 we establish read/write permissions for user Moe, using the m (modify) flag with setfacl(1). The subsequent long listing (line 18) and examination of the file ACL (line 20) reveal something interesting. On line 19, note the plus (+) sign at the end of the file modes. This tells us that an ACL exists for the file (the plus sign was absent from the listing on line 8). Now when we run the getfacl(1) command (line 20), we see the addition of the user: moe entry in the ACL.

There are a few worthwhile points on the behavior of ACLs and the rules of precedence. The example above shows an ACL mask of r--. The ACL mask defines the maximum permissions allowed for everyone except the owner of the file; in this example, everyone except the file owner has read-only permission. However, the ACL has defined read and write permissions for Moe. So what will happen if Moe attempts to write to the file -- which will take precedence, his special permissions, or the ACL mask? The answer is, the ACL mask. Here's another quick example.

1  sunsys> getfacl file1
2  # file: file1
3  # owner: jim
4  # group: staff
5  user::rw-
6  user:moe:rw-            #effective:r--
7  group::r--              #effective:r--
8  mask:r--
9  other:r--
10 sunsys> su moe
11 Password: 
12 $ id
13 uid=2001(moe) gid=22(stooges)
14 $ echo "write test" >> file1
15 file1: cannot create
16 $ exit
17 sunsys> setfacl -m m:rw- file1
18 sunsys> getfacl file1
19 # file: file1
20 # owner: jim
21 # group: staff
22 user::rw-
23 user:moe:rw-            #effective:rw-
24 group::r--              #effective:r--
25 mask:rw-
26 other:r--
27 sunsys> su moe
28 Password: 
29 $ echo "write test" >> file1
30 $ exit
31 sunsys> 

In this example we displayed the ACL of file1 (lines 1 to 9) that show the mask is set for read only (8), but Moe has read/write permissions (6). After becoming user Moe (10-13), we attempt to write to file1 (14), and the write fails (15, with a rather non-descriptive error message).

We reset the ACL mask using setfacl(1) (line 17 -- and verified the change (18-26; note the mask set to read/write on line 25). Now we try the test again, again becoming user Moe (line 17 -- I had to revert to user Jim in order to change the ACL mask, since only the file owner can alter the ACL). This time, the test (29) is successful. Thus, we see that the ACL mask will supercede individual user permissions. Note that in the setfacl(1) command on line 17, we abbreviated the entry type mask using just the letter m. The command allows for this type of abbreviation, such that the letters u and g can be used in place of user and group, respectively.

We obviously haven't covered every possible permutation of ACL permission settings. The goal here was to provide enough introductory information to get the reader off to a comfortable start using ACLs. For more information on the specifics of using ACLs, consult the setfacl(1) and getfacl(1) man pages, as well as the Solaris documentation set. For working with file ACLs programmatically, there are system calls, acl(2) and facl(2), and library routines, aclcheck(3) and aclsort(3).

[Duke University] Using Solaris ACLs

If you need more complex file permissions than the standard UNIX permissions allow for, you may want to consider using Access Control Lists (ACLs) under Solaris. These allow you to set permissions on your files and directories to grant or deny access to arbitrary combinations of individual users and groups.

Note: The ACLs will only work under Solaris. So for networked filesystems, both the server and the client must be running Solaris.

We will consider a file created with typical UNIX permissions:

	user@login% ls -l testfile 
	-rw-r--r--   1 user    prof         2352 Jan 29 13:37 testfile

The default ACL for this file can be seen using the getfacl command:

	user@login% getfacl testfile
	# file: testfile
	# owner: user
	# group: prof
	group::r--              #effective:r--

The user and group permissions are those for the owner (user) and the default group (prof), respectively. The mask indicates the maximum permission available to all users, except the owner. The effective permission, to the right of the group permission, represents the intersection (bitwise AND) of the specified permissions for a user/group and the mask field. The effective permission is what a user, other than the owner, will see when they try to access the file.

For files with ACL entries, the chmod command will change the default mask for the file, as well as change the standard UNIX permissions. From the setfacl manual page:

	``The ACL mask indicates the  maximum  permissions  allowed for
	users (other than the owner) and for groups. The mask is a
	quick way to change permissions on all the users and groups.''

To add ACL entries to a file, one uses the setfacl command. The syntax for an access record is


There are several possible tokens; a short, but mostly comprehensive list of the possible types of ACL entries is as follows:


Here uid/gid may be either a UNIX user/group name or a numeric user/group ID. The perms are standard UNIX file permissions (i.e. r,w,x). Permissions may be specified either as symbolic characters or a number (the same as for the chmod command). Multiple records may be added by a single command, separated by commas.

To add/modify records using the setfacl command, one of three options is required. The -s option will set the ACL, replacing any previous entries. The -m option will modify or add, an additional entry and the -f filename will set ACL entries as contained in filename. ACL entries can be removed from a file using the -d option can be used to remove one or more ACL entries. Additionally the -r option can be used to automatically recalculate the mask to give the proper access for a newly set/modified ACL; otherwise an ACL mask entry must be given on the command line. The default mask can also be changed using the standard UNIX chmod command.

For example, to add ``read'' and ``write'' permissions for the group tune, the following command would be used:

	user@login% setfacl -r -m group:tune:rw- testfile

The -m option causes the default ACL to be modified, the -r option recalculates the ACL mask for the file. The output of the getfacl command might then read:

	user@login% getfacl testfile
	# file: testfile
	# owner: user
	# group: prof
	group::r--              #effective:r--
	group:tune:rw-          #effective:rw-

Note the addition of the group entry for the tune group as well as the recalculated mask entry. The output of the ls command will now reflect that ACLs have been enabled for this file by the addition of a + at the end of the regular UNIX permissions.

	user@login% ls -l testfile
	-rw-r--r--+  1 user    prof         2352 Jan 29 13:38 testfile

Members of the group tune may now read and write to this file. Note that using the chmod command on the file will change the default mask, possibly preventing users or groups from accessing the file. Be sure that the "effective" permissions shown in the ACL match the permission you wish to give to a user or group.

To turn the permissions for a file "off" use the -d option to setfacl, specifying which access record to delete:

	user@login% setfacl -r -d group:tune testfile

The dtfile file manager provides an easy, graphical interface to managing Solaris ACLs. Under the Selected->Properties menu there is a button to "Show Access Control List". Here permissions for a particular user or group can be added to or removed from a file. The program makes sure the mask setting is correct to give the intended permissions. This program is part of the CDE desktop environment, but can be invoked under OpenWindows as well.

ACLs on directories

ACLs can also be set on directories. If regular ACLs are set as with the file example above, the effect is just to control access to the directory. An additional class of ACLs are also available for use on directories; these are called default ACLs. Default ACLs automatically propagate to any new files and directories created in this directory. This will also effect (set) the permission bits on the created files. This can be used as a mechanism to, eg, automatically set g+w on new files, which might be useful in certain shared directories.

Default ACLs are a bit complex and are out of the scope of this document. Please consult the setfacl manual page for more details.

[Oliver2001] Sys Admin Magazine Achieving More Flexible File Permissions Using Solaris ACLs by Ross Oliver

The fixed set of UNIX file permissions for owner, group, and world is simple to understand and easy to manage. However, the simplicity of this scheme is also its most frustrating limitation. Most UNIX systems administrators have at one time or another wished for just one more set of permissions to accomplish some necessary task.

Traditional workarounds include multiple user accounts, multiple group memberships, and set-UID programs. Although these methods work, they are not ideal because they add complexity, require root access to implement, and often raise security problems.

In the Solaris world, these limitations were finally overcome with the introduction of Access Control Lists (ACLs). Introduced in Solaris 2.5, ACLs are additional sets of read/write/execute triplets that can be added on to files, directories, devices, or any other file system objects. Using ACLs, systems administrators as well as ordinary users can now fine-tune access without resorting to multiple groups or set-UID programs. This article is a practical look at how to use ACLs on a real network.

[Grünbacher2003] POSIX Access Control Lists on Linux by Andreas Grünbacher

SuSE Linux 8.1 supports ACLs on the ext2 and ext3 file systems. ACL support is also present in xfs and jfs, but using ACLs with either xfs or jfs is not recommended at this point, because there are known issues on both file systems. ACL support on reiserfs is also forthcoming, but the necessary code is not activated in the kernel released with SuSE Linux 8.1. After all file systems have passed our internal ACL tests, we will release an updated kernel for SuSE Linux 8.1.

Activating ACLs

In the default settings after installation, ACLs are deactivated on ext2, ext3, and on reiserfs. They can be activated for supported systems using the "acl" mount option, which should be added at the appropriate place in /etc/fstab (see the SDB article Mounting, Partitioning, and Configuring File Systems ( )). On the jfs and xfs file systems, ACLs are always enabled, so there is no "acl" mount option.

Manipulating ACLs

The basic permissions for the owner, owning group, and for others are also called minimal ACL. In addition to these three entries, an ACL may contain permissions for other users or groups. An ACL that has more than the three basic entries is called an extended ACL.

Files that have an extended ACL are recognized by the additional "+" character that is added to "ls -l" directory listings. The "getfacl" [getfacl(1)] command displays the complete permissions of a file. ACLs are modified with the "setfacl" [setfacl(1)] command. Additionally, "cp -p" copies ACLs between files.

Random Findings

SupportWeb How To - Using ACLs

Solaris ACL Tutorial

Under Solaris, the ACL's have been put on top of the standard permissions. A directory has access control in effect if the permissions are followed by a "+".

    # ls -ld tools
    -rwxr-xr-x+ 29 myers    nogroup     8192 Feb 21 16:51 tool

The command getfacl will report on all access controls on a file:

algol -> getfacl tools

    # file: tool
    # owner: myers
    # group: nogroup
    group::r-x              	#effective:r-x
    group:biostcs:rw-               #effective:r--

For a full description of what all this means, refer to getfacl. The simple explanation is that most of it is standard Unix information in tabular form. Only the line

    group:biostcs:rw-               #effective:r--

is a permission beyond those displayed in the  ls  line above. It says that group "biostcs" can read and write the file.

In order to make the "true" ACL's (i.e. ACL's that are extensions to standard permissions) more readable, the BCG supplies the command gacl:

    # gacl tool

The command setfacl is used to set a new ACL. We'll let  cjohnson  read  tool :

    # gacl tool
    # setfacl -m user:cjohnson:r-- tool
    # gacl tool

The  -m  option means "modify".

Later, we want to remove all ACL's. This could be done with  setfacl , but the syntax is somewhat painful, so we've supplied the command rmacl to remove all ACL's:

    # rmacl tool
    -rwxr-xr-x  29 myers    nogroup     8192 Feb 21 16:51 tool

There are several other features to ACL's and many ways to manipulate them. Refer to setfacl and getfacl for the gruesome details.



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