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Perl HTML Processors and Converters

News See also Recommended Links Global Replacement Table of content generators Mail to HTML Navigation generators PDF converters Table convertors HTML Validation
HTML to ASCII Directory to HTML convertors MS Word HTML Demoronizers Beautifiers Programming Code to HTML Bookmark Convertors Cheap Web hosting with SSH access  Humor  Random Findings Etc


Old News ;-)

[Feb 26, 2008] demoroniser - correct moronic and gratuitously incompatible Microsoft HTML

This page describes, in Unix manual page style, a Perl program available for downloading from this site which corrects numerous errors and incompatibilities in HTML generated by, or edited with, Microsoft applications. The demoroniser keeps you from looking dumber than a bag of dirt when your Web page is viewed by a user on a non-Microsoft platform.

HTML Converters

Lynx and W3 can batch convert HTML into text. Mosaic and other browsers can do it too

[May 8, 2007] Project details for trillbox

About: trillbox is a flexible and extendable toolkit for building dynamic Web pages. Written in Perl and based on Template::Recall, it provides "widgets" (or controls) that you can quickly integrate into your Perl Web application. trillbox widgets are designed to be independent points of control that can be easily plugged into a Web programming system, e.g. a CGI application, template-based, or included as part of an application framework. Widgets purposely have no direct knowledge of each other in order to offer the greatest flexibility (although they may be designed so that output and input can be piped between widgets).

Changes: A Treeview widget has been added. It will build nested structures of nodes, like a file system directory tree. There is a demo on the homepage. Project details for mirmon

Written in Perl, licensed under BSD license.

Many project are mirrored worldwide. Mirmon helps in monitoring these mirrors. In a concise graphic format, mirmon shows each site's history of the last two weeks, making it easy to spot stale or dead mirrors. Mirmon quietly probes a subset of the sites in a given list, writes the results in the 'state' file, and generates a Web page with the results.

Tom Van Vleck tools page

Google Groups google-sitemaps

my $sitepath="/yourhtdocs";
my $website="";

@stuff=`find . -type f -name "*.html"`;
print O <<EOF;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
foreach (@stuff) {
$badone =~ tr/-_.\/a-zA-Z0-9//cd;
print if ($badone ne $_);
$year +=1900;
$freq="daily" if /index.html/;
$priority="0.7" if /index.html/;
$priority="0.9" if /\/index.html/;

print O <<EOF;


print O <<EOF;
close O;
system("gzip sitemap");

site_index - Multi-page HTML site index generator for multiple domains

An multi-page HTML site index generator that easily handles virtual domains.

Clean up your Web pages with HTML TIDY

The maintenance of Tidy has now been taken over by a group of enthusiastic volunteers at Source Forge, see

When editing HTML it's easy to make mistakes. Wouldn't it be nice if there was a simple way to fix these mistakes automatically and tidy up sloppy editing into nicely layed out markup? Well now there is! Dave Raggett's HTML TIDY is a free utility for doing just that. It also works great on the atrociously hard to read markup generated by specialized HTML editors and conversion tools, and can help you identify where you need to pay further attention on making your pages more accessible to people with disabilities.

Tidy is able to fix up a wide range of problems and to bring to your attention things that you need to work on yourself. Each item found is listed with the line number and column so that you can see where the problem lies in your markup. Tidy won't generate a cleaned up version when there are problems that it can't be sure of how to handle. These are logged as "errors" rather than "warnings".

Dave Raggett has now passed the baton for maintaining Tidy to a group of volunteers working together as part of the open source community at Source Forge. The source code continues to be available under an open source license, and you are encouraged to pass on bug reports and enhancement requests at

If you find HTML Tidy useful and you would like to say thanks, then please send me a (paper) postcard or other souvenir from the area in which you live along with a few words on what you are using Tidy for. It will be fun to map out where Tidy users are to be found! My postal address is given at the end of this file.

The W3C public email list devoted to HTML Tidy is: <[email protected]>. To subscribe send an email to [email protected] with the word subscribe in the subject line (include the word unsubscribe if you want to unsubscribe). The archive for this list is accessible online. If you would like to contact the developers, or you just want to submit an enhancement request or a bug report, please visit

Tidy can now perform wonders on HTML saved from Microsoft Word 2000! Word bulks out HTML files with stuff for round-tripping presentation between HTML and Word. If you are more concerned about using HTML on the Web, check out Tidy's "Word-2000" config option! Of course Tidy does a good job on Word'97 files as well!

Tidy features in an article by Scott Nesbitt on, and more recently on Dave Central's Best of Linux, and as tool of the month on Unix Review by Joe Brockmeier, who writes:

"One thing I love about the UNIX philosophy is the idea that each program should do one job and do it really well. There are zillions of small tools for UNIX-type OSes that make life much easier and are hugely useful, but they don't necessarily get written about. They certainly don't receive the same kind of coverage that Apache and Sendmail receive. One of my favorites, HTML Tidy, is a tool for HTML/Web development that I think will interest a lot of folks. HTML Tidy cleans up HTML produced by WYSIWYG editors and such."

Tidy is available as a downloadable binary, as source code (ANSI C), or as an online service at W3C, Info Network, HTML Help's site Valet and other sites.

Tutorials for HTML and CSS

If you are just starting off and would like to know more about how to author Web pages, you may find my guide to HTML and CSS helpful. Please send me feedback on this, and I will do my best to further improve it.



This software is essentially free, but please read my payment spiel
Please read the full license


I use it to generate the site_indexes for all my domains, such as the top site index of this domain.


It's a single perl script.


IndexMaker is a PERL script to make an index.html file from PDF files,
HTML files, VRML files and other files.
From version 5.0 IndexMaker works with PERL 5.x.

The modules you need:
PDF library 1.05
written by Antonio Rosella mailto:[email protected]

This is the sintax

        indexmaker [-options ...] list

where options include:
    -help                        print out this message
    -verbose                     verbose
    -recursive directory         scan recursively the directory
    -match     files             match different files ex. *.pdf, a?.*
                                 (require -recursive option)
    -configure file              default indexmaker.cfg
    -output    file              default index.html

    with list you can use metacharacters and relative and absolute path name
    and ftp URL like
    and http URL like
    indexmaker *.pdf
    indexmaker -c tests/test.cfg *.pdf
    indexmaker -v */*.html
    indexmaker -o home.htm *.gif *.tiff *.jpeg
    indexmaker -m *.pdf -r my_directory *.gz

If you want to know more about this tool, you might want
to read the docs. They came together with indexmaker!


Enjoy it!

Send me your suggestions.

Fabrizio Pivari
mailto:[email protected]

pod2html - convert .pod files to .html files Generate an index at the top of the HTML file (default behaviour). Project details for Html To Xhtml Convertor

Html to Xhtml Convertor is a straight-forward Perl script to convert HTML pages into XHTML pages. It can process batches of files, convert Windows/Unix/Mac line breaks, and deal with attribute minimization, quoting of attribute values, and more.


You can convert HTML tables without all the HTML tags into comma (or anything else) delimited tables which you easily can import into Excel or a database.

Text-to-Web Converter A tool for easy conversion of text to html code.

Navigation.PL is a Perl CGI script for generating navigation trees on your Web page. The tree content is loaded from a file on the Web server. Default file can be specified, but you can also pass a parameter to the script and specify a different config file. Thus, one instance of this script on your Web server can be used to show different trees. Project details for strips base64-encoded attachments and decodes and saves them in the specified folder. Because Netscape saves sent messages with attachments, this script was written to extract these attachments and reduce the size of the Sent mail folder. The attachment is replaced by a message in the stripped folder indicating where the attachment was saved.

Tagreader guido socher - Monday, July 15th 2002 00:27 EDT

About: Tagreader is a Perl extension module which allows you to read HTML or XML files tag by tag in a manner similar to reading text files with "while(<>)". It also includes utilities to check for broken links in Web pages, build tar archives from a number of HTML pages (including images), and to list all of the links in an HTML page.

Accessibility Tools page

Adobe PDF2HTML conversion page. Also check out its pretty cool. you can upload postscript files and it will convert them into PDF files for you. this is nice if you don't have access to a UNIX machine.

[Apr. 10, 2000] c't 08-2000, page 174 - Web Server Availability

The web servers were monitored by a Perl script which was triggered by cron every 10 minutes. As this is a bit short for retrieving more than 100 web pages - only four timeouts would exceed this time span - the script has to use several parallel external processes to get the pages.

This is done by the fork/exec mechanism. Calling fork creates a new process which is identical to its creator. All the variables have the same value, except $pid, which becomes the returned value of the function call. In its parent process, the function call contains the process ID of the new process, while the child is given a 0 , which causes it to fork into the other if-loop branch.

There, it executes a new program via exec(). This means the process gives itself up completely as exec() replaces it with the new program. There is no turning back here, if the called program terminates, so does the child process.

This is exactly what the creator has been waiting for in the meantime, now calling 'wait' to round up his flock. Only after a futile wait call returning the value "-1" has signalled that there are no more active child processes will it start evaluating the results which can be found in the respective temporary file.

The outer if-loop makes sure there isn't more than a given maximum number of processes to avoid system overload. If the number of active child processes becomes greater than $maxfork the parent process waits until the first one has finished.

The program called via exec() - again a Perl script - executes a simple HTTP GET request for the IP address submitted as a parameter. A timeout causes the request to be aborted after three minutes and prompts an error message.

Should script execution take more than ten minutes, the existing lock file prevents the start of a new instance before the old one has been finished. Multiple execution could result in a death spiral plunging the entire system into an abyss.

Only in parts we print another loop in which the test program checks the web server gateways. The list which is read in at the beginning contains the server's and also the gateway's IP address. As alternative routing may change this address as well as the equally important hop count (the number of stations up to the gateway), this list is updated in the background.

The actual test program s output may look like this:

953550000 1 1 1

The first value is the elapsed time since 1.1.1970 in seconds. This value is retrieved when the program is started and does not represent the precise time of measurement. After that we have server name and address. The last three values signal with either '0' or '1' whether the server could be pinged, whether the gateway was accessible and finally whether the HTTP request was successful.

After more than four weeks, over 4 MBytes of data had been collected and had to be evaluated. This was done using - you guessed it - a little Perl script which added up and assessed the time spans between two web server status changes. Another Perl script used this output to generate an overview of uptimes and downtimes per server which a third analysis script evaluated statistically according to search criteria like operating system or web server.


$maxfork= 20;         # maximum number of procs

$stime = time();      # get current time in secs since 1970

# --- check if older proc is already running ------
stat $lock;
if (-e _) {
    $curtime = scalar localtime($stime);
    print STDERR "$curtime: LOCKED, skipping.\n";
    exit 1;

# nope, so lock it
open LOCK, ">$lock";
print LOCK "$$";
close LOCK;

# get host list
open IFILE, $hlist;

# --- extract file info into hashes ----
while (
) {
    ($name, $ip, $gate, $hop, $url, $ping) = split " ", $_;
    $allhosts{$ip} = $name;
    $allgates{$ip} = $gate;
    $allhops{$ip} = $hop;
    $allurls{$ip} = $url;
    $allgates_{$gate} = $ip;   # no double gates here
close IFILE;

#--- test gateways ---
foreach $gate ( keys %allgates_ ) {
    # use "traceroute" with fixed hop-count
    open TRACE, "$trace -f $hop -m $hop $host 2> /dev/null |";

# --- get web-page ---
$loop = 0;
$forked = 0;

foreach $ip (keys %allhosts) {
    my ($url);
    $url = $allurls{$ip};
    if ( $forked > $maxfork) {
    if ( $pid = fork ) {
        $forked++;             # parent
    } elsif ( defined $pid) {  # child
        exec("$gwww $ip $url > $tmp/$loop.o 2> $tmp/$loop.e");
    } else { 
	die "error forking!";

# wait for child procs
while ( wait != -1) { ; };

# now get file results
$loops = $loop;
for ( $loop = 0; $loop < $loops; $loop++) {
    open( LOG, "<$tmp/$loop.o");
    ($host, $stat) = split ' ', 
    $wstat{$host} = $stat;
    close( LOG);

# --- print all results ---
foreach $ip (keys %allhosts) {
    if (!defined($pstat{$ip})) { $pstat{$ip} = "-"; }
    if (!defined($gstat{$ip})) { $gstat{$ip} = "-"; }
    if (!defined($wstat{$ip})) { $wstat{$ip} = "-"; }
    print "$stime $allhosts{$ip} $ip ",
          "$pstat{$ip} $gstat{$ip} $wstat{$ip}\n";
print "#-----\n";

unlink $lock;

[June 24, 1999] Five quick hacks to download the Web Hexcol

(Perl) Simple perl 5 script to calculate hex notation for web colors.


Fast, html link checker shareware package. This is a total rewrite of Rick Jansen's webxref, by Jim Bowlin. Written in Perl. Checks local files, remote sites, and remote links. Good documentation.


a huge catalog of contributed scripts you can use for Web development. Lots of samples in Perl, Java, JavaScript, Tcl, Shell, Applescript, VB, C/C++ and other languages. Well organized.

WebPages 1.0

WebPages is a CGI script written in Perl that can centralize all pages from several web servers containing this script, and merge them all into one page. It is especially useful for distributed sites that hold personal pages.


webgrep is a set of 7 different check and search utilities for the web-master. Alternate Download:

Red Hat Packages: Homepage:

[April 16, 1999] Proxy Caching -- parameters using in caching

Web Tools Review home

  • Philip and Alex's Guide to Web Publishing -- a 17-chapter book containing everything I've learned from building nearly 100 RDBMS-backed Web sites
  • Adding Collaboration to Your Web Site (without installing an RDBMS or hiring a dbadmin)
  • Building Collaborative Web Services Using the ArsDigita Community System, a free open-source toolkit that can save you $1 million

    Site Development (a structured approach to coordinating multiple people working on a mostly-static site) ArsDigita Server Architecture, a way to keep that beautiful site up and running reliably

    Recommended Links

    Google matched content

    Softpanorama Recommended

    Top articles


    Softpanorama University WWW-Scriping Links

    HTML Converters

    World Wide Web Software HTML Converters in the Yahoo! Directory

    Perl Web Site Management Scripts

    Tom's Script Archive

    Matt's Script Archive, Inc. Free Perl CGI Scripts

    The CGI Resource Index Programs and Scripts Perl Tests and Quizes

    Bookmarks Converters (Perl)
    Perl script that creates a web page from an Internet Explorer favorites list.

    BM.PL (Perl)
    BM.PL is a command-line script that will convert Microsoft Internet Explorer Favorites into a Netscape Navigator Bookmark file.

    bmark (Perl)
    This is a variation of bmarkcgi, which creates separate Web pages from your Netscape bookmarks file.

    bmarkcgi (Perl)
    A CGI program which allows you to publish your Netscape bookmarks file on your Web site.

  • Table Generation and Conversion

    Table Creator (Perl)
    This script creates html tables on the fly by reading in your data from an ascii text file.

    Table Maker (Perl)
    Creating lots of tables takes a lot of time, and this Perl script is a solution that will make it easy for you.

    HTML to Plain Text and vise versa

    HTML Converters

    Lynx and W3 can batch convert HTML into text. Mosaic and other browsers can do it too

    txt2html (Perl)
    Perl script that converts plain text files into HTML.

    Global Replacement


    sarep (Console/Editors) Command-line search and replace tool written in Perl.
    Sep 16th 1998, 21:51 stable: 0.32 - devel: none - license: freely distributable (Perl) A utility to replace all instances of a given text string with a new text string in all the files in a single directory.

    Treesed -- Freeware
    Treesed, a Perl program, is a search/replace tool for lists of files. It can search for patterns in a list of files, or even a tree of directories with files.

    treesed pattern1 <pattern2> -files <file1 file2 ...>
    treesed pattern1 <pattern2> -tree

    Treesed searches for pattern1. If pattern2 is supplied pattern1 is replaced by pattern2. If pattern2 is not supplied treesed just searches. A list of files can be supplied with the -files parameter. Treesed is also capable of search/replace in files in subdirectories if you supply the -tree parameter. All files in the current directory and subdirectories are processed. Always a backup is made of the original file, with a random numeric suffix.



    Sitemap generator

    Table of contents generators


    htmltoc documentation

    htmltoc (Perl) htmltoc is a Perl program to generate a Table of Contents (ToC) for HTML documents.

    HTML Converters

    See also

    Accessibility Tools page -- adobe PDF2HTML conversion page

    Hypermail 2 alpha 16
    Daniel Stenberg - March 14th 1999, 05:40 EST

    Hypermail 2 is a much enhanced version of the popular tool that converts mails into nicely formatted HTML pages. Version 2 has a lot of new features including MIME support. Perfect for archiving mailing lists and similar.

    Changes: "text_types" for MIME types treated as text, better url parsing, no more options.h, as well as various bugfixes.

    download homepage ??

    asp2php 0.01
    asp2php converts WWW Active Server Pages (ASP) files that only run on the Microsoft IIS Web Server into PHP3 pages to run on Apache.

    This is the first alpha release to let people know this is being done. It will currently convert very simple ASP pages only.

    Michael Kohn @ 12/22/98 - 15:03 EST

    System P - File Converters


    txt2html - Text to HTML converter

    Programming Languages

    Source Code Documentation

    Cocoon (C/C++) The Cocoon utilities process C++ include files and produce a net of web pages that document the libraries, classes, and global functions and types that are found in them.

    Cxx2html (Perl) Cxx2html creates HTML pages from C++ header file information.

    Esd2html (Perl) Esd2html extracts embedded source documentation into linked html pages.

    PERCEPS (Perl) PERCEPS is a Perl script designed to parse C/C++ header files and automatically generate documentation in a variety of formats based on the class definitions, declarations, and comment information found in those files.

    Src2html (Perl) Src2html is a program which takes a C source tree and creates a set of HTML hypertext documents that allows the most important symbols in the source tree to be found easily.

    Srcdoc (Perl) This tool generates documentation in HTML format from C source files.

    The EXT System (Perl) The EXT system is a set of programs that generate documentation for the World-Wide Web from specially-formatted C programs and automatically place function prototypes in header files.

    Mail Convertors


    htxp -- htxp is a macro preprocessor for HTML by M.K. Kwong that provides time-saving features for writing HTML files: user-specified abbreviations, and built-in and user-definable macros.


    Babymail -- Babymail is a Perl script that converts a Unix mailbox file into a browseable HTML archive.

    HTML Validation

    Fixspell (Perl)
    Perl script that fixes spelling in text files and HTML pages.

    htmlchek (Perl)
    Perl source code for an HTML validator.

    Weblint (Perl)
    Weblint is a syntax and minimal style checker for HTML.

    Link Verifier

    MOMspider (Perl)
    MOMspider is a web robot written in Perl that verifies links across multiple websites.

    Webxref (Perl)
    Webxref is a WWW link checker and cross referencing tool, intended to quickly check a local set of HTML documents for missing files, anchors etc.

    Macro Language

    htmlpp (Perl)
    Htmlpp is a pre-processor for HTML documents. Its purpose is to simplify the work of writing and packaging large numbers of HTML documents.

    Jamal (Just Another Macro Language) (Perl)
    Jamal is a html macro extension language.


    FAQ Manager (Perl) This Perl script takes makes it easy to prepare FAQ pages.

    Faq-O-Matic (Perl) The Faq-O-Matic is a CGI-based system that automates the process of maintaining a FAQ (or Frequently Asked Questions list).

    Website generators

    Gtindex (Perl) This script will create an HTML index of all the graphics specified on the command line.

    Gtml (Perl) Gtml is an HTML pre-processor which adds extra features, specially designed for maintaining multiple Web pages.

    HomePageMaker (Perl) HomePageMaker enables you to host small homepages built and maintained by your visitors.

    HTML Editing Suite (Perl) Script to allow direct editing of files on a server.

    HTML suite (Perl) HTML suite allows you to edit files online, advanced features include dynamic index building and page editing.

    Makehomeidx (Perl) makehomeidx is a Perl program that creates an HTML file (home pages index) containing links to users home pages on the machine makehomeidx is invoked.

    MaxiGen (Perl) MaxiGen is a HTML generator and editor designed to automate and ease the process of publishing web pages on a personal homepage account.

    Page O Matic (Perl) Page 'O Matic allows you to maintain Web pages through your web browser without messing around with FTP'ing HTML files.

    The Homepage Machine (Perl) Perl script for a simple to use homepage generator.

    Web Page Generator (Perl)
    This program allows the user to create a generic web page.

    Random Findings

    Crnuke (Perl)
    Reduce the size of your web pages with basic HTML compression using crnuke.

    Loic Dachary - February 01st 1999, 11:54 EST

    Mirror List:

    Catalog allows to build and maintain Yahoo! style catalogs. It includes a browsing interface and an easy to use template system for customization of the HTML pages. It is fully documented and distributed under the GNU General Public Licence. Catalog is also included in CPAN.

    VelociGen for Perl (VEP) 1.0c
    VelociGen for Perl is a high performance web application server using Perl as its programming language. It features CGI compatible mode, allowing you to speed up your existing CGI scripts by as much as 20 times without modifying your existing code, as well as embedded mode which allows you to embed Perl code within your html pages, resulting in dynamic, template based pages. Standard Perl extentions can be used to access databases, create images on the server, and much more. The Linux version is free for non-commercial use.

    This release has been updated to work with Apache 1.3.3. It is available for both Libc5 and Glibc based systems.

    Fish Head @ 11/11/98 - 15:39 EST

    Net::DNS version 0.12
    Net::DNS is a Perl interface to the DNS resolver. It allows the programmer to perform any type of DNS query from a Perl script.

    Language: Perl Platform: Unix

    View Product Homepage

    Download Complete Source Code, 0.090M bytes



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    Vol 25, No.12 (December, 2013) Rational Fools vs. Efficient Crooks The efficient markets hypothesis : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2013 : Unemployment Bulletin, 2010 :  Vol 23, No.10 (October, 2011) An observation about corporate security departments : Slightly Skeptical Euromaydan Chronicles, June 2014 : Greenspan legacy bulletin, 2008 : Vol 25, No.10 (October, 2013) Cryptolocker Trojan (Win32/Crilock.A) : Vol 25, No.08 (August, 2013) Cloud providers as intelligence collection hubs : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2010 : Inequality Bulletin, 2009 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2008 : Copyleft Problems Bulletin, 2004 : Financial Humor Bulletin, 2011 : Energy Bulletin, 2010 : Malware Protection Bulletin, 2010 : Vol 26, No.1 (January, 2013) Object-Oriented Cult : Political Skeptic Bulletin, 2011 : Vol 23, No.11 (November, 2011) Softpanorama classification of sysadmin horror stories : Vol 25, No.05 (May, 2013) Corporate bullshit as a communication method  : Vol 25, No.06 (June, 2013) A Note on the Relationship of Brooks Law and Conway Law


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    The Last but not Least Technology is dominated by two types of people: those who understand what they do not manage and those who manage what they do not understand ~Archibald Putt. Ph.D

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    Last modified: March 12, 2019