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Filesystem free space monitoring is probably one of the most widely used types of monitors in existence. It is deployed in some form in most organizations that use monitoring.

If you want single threshold and do not mind getting spam alerts you can create tou custom monitoring script in an hour or so.

But if you want intelligent monitoring with two or three thresholds you need either monitoring system with correlation engine or much more complex script Erich is difficult to write and difficult to debug because to suppress messages you need too store the state in af fine.

Fspace monitoring in an attempt to create such a script. Itcsupporte suppression on messages after clossing the threshold,  three thresholds and the ability to select then individually fore each of minorities filesystrm, select the group of email addresses which should  get  alerts and the ability to specify an action on crossing the last so called fatal threshold.

Ib various form it was in production for more the decade.

This version, version 8 is just a polishing effort for the functionality described above.

See also Filesystem free space monitoring