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Loop else clause

When combined with the loop else clause, the break statement can often eliminate the need for the search status flags used in other languages.

If else clause is present then break transfere control after then else clause.

For instance, the following piece of code determines whether a positive integer y is prime by searching for factors greater than 1:

x = y // 2                                # For some y > 1
while x > 1:
    if y % x == 0:                        # Remainder
        print(y, 'has factor', x)
        break                             # Skip else
    x -= 1
else:                                     # Normal exit
    print(y, 'is prime')

Rather than setting a flag to be tested when the loop is exited, it inserts a break where a factor is found. This way, the loop else clause can assume that it will be executed only if no factor is found; if you don’t hit the break, the number is prime. Trace through this code to see how this works.

The loop else clause is also run if the body of the loop is never executed, as you don’t run a break in that event either; in a while loop, this happens if the test in the header is false to begin with. Thus, in the preceding example you still get the “is prime” message if x is initially less than or equal to 1 (for instance, if y is 2).

What is actually is needed is not else clause but the full case statement with branches continued outside the loop. That was pointed out  by Knuth classic paper. So Python solution falls short unless if have a subroutine and can use return in else clause.

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