Sequence Scans: while and range Versus for

The range call is also sometimes used to iterate over a sequence indirectly, though it’s often not the best approach in this role. The easiest and generally fastest way to step through a sequence exhaustively is always with a simple for, as Python handles most of the details for you:

>>> X = 'spam'
>>> for item in X: print(item, end=' ')           # Simple iteration
s p a m

Internally, the for loop handles the details of the iteration automatically when used this way. If you really need to take over the indexing logic explicitly, you can do it with a while loop:

>>> i = 0
>>> while i < len(X):                             # while loop iteration
...     print(X[i], end=' ')
...     i += 1
s p a m

You can also do manual indexing with a for, though, if you use range to generate a list of indexes to iterate through. It’s a multistep process, but it’s sufficient to generate offsets, rather than the items at those offsets:

>>> X
>>> len(X)                                        # Length of string
>>> list(range(len(X)))                           # All legal offsets into X
[0, 1, 2, 3]
>>> for i in range(len(X)): print(X[i], end=' ')  # Manual range/len iteration
s p a m

Note that because this example is stepping over a list of offsets into X, not the actual items of X, we need to index back into X within the loop to fetch each item. If this seems like overkill, though, it’s because it is: there’s really no reason to work this hard in this example.

Although the range/len combination suffices in this role, it’s probably not the best option. It may run slower, and it’s also more work than we need to do. Unless you have a special indexing requirement, you’re better off using the simple for loop form in Python:

>>> for item in X: print(item, end=' ')           # Use simple iteration if you can

As a general rule, use for instead of while whenever possible, and don’t use range calls in for loops except as a last resort. This simpler solution is almost always better. Like every good rule, though, there are plenty of exceptions—as the next section demonstrates.

Sequence Shufflers: range and len

Though not ideal for simple sequence scans, the coding pattern used in the prior example does allow us to do more specialized sorts of traversals when required. For example, some algorithms can make use of sequence reordering—to generate alternatives in searches, to test the effect of different value orderings, and so on. Such cases may require offsets in order to pull sequences apart and put them back together, as in the following; the range’s integers provide a repeat count in the first, and a position for slicing in the second:

>>> S = 'spam'
>>> for i in range(len(S)):       # For repeat counts 0..3
...     S = S[1:] + S[:1]         # Move front item to end
...     print(S, end=' ')
pams amsp mspa spam

>>> S
>>> for i in range(len(S)):       # For positions 0..3
...     X = S[i:] + S[:i]         # Rear part + front part
...     print(X, end=' ')
spam pams amsp mspa

Trace through these one iteration at a time if they seem confusing. The second creates the same results as the first, though in a different order, and doesn’t change the original variable as it goes. Because both slice to obtain parts to concatenate, they also work on any type of sequence, and return sequences of the same type as that being shuffled—if you shuffle a list, you create reordered lists:

>>> L = [1, 2, 3]
>>> for i in range(len(L)):
...     X = L[i:] + L[:i]         # Works on any sequence type
...     print(X, end=' ')
[1, 2, 3] [2, 3, 1] [3, 1, 2]

We’ll make use of code like this to test functions with different argument orderings in Chapter 18, and will extend it to functions, generators, and more complete permutations in Chapter 20—it’s a widely useful tool.

Nonexhaustive Traversals: range Versus Slices

Cases like that of the prior section are valid applications for the range/len combination. We might also use this technique to skip items as we go:

>>> S = 'abcdefghijk'
>>> list(range(0, len(S), 2))
[0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

>>> for i in range(0, len(S), 2): print(S[i], end=' ')
a c e g i k

Here, we visit every second item in the string S by stepping over the generated range list. To visit every third item, change the third range argument to be 3, and so on. In effect, using range this way lets you skip items in loops while still retaining the simplicity of the for loop construct.

In most cases, though, this is also probably not the “best practice” technique in Python today. If you really mean to skip items in a sequence, the extended three-limit form of the slice expression, presented in Chapter 7, provides a simpler route to the same goal. To visit every second character in S, for example, slice with a stride of 2:

>>> S = 'abcdefghijk'
>>> for c in S[::2]: print(c, end=' ')
a c e g i k

The result is the same, but substantially easier for you to write and for others to read. The potential advantage to using range here instead is space: slicing makes a copy of the string in both 2.X and 3.X, while range in 3.X and xrange in 2.X do not create a list; for very large strings, they may save memory.