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When the body of a function contains one or more occurrences of the keyword yield, the function is known as a generator, or more precisely a generator function. When you call a generator, the function body does not execute. Instead, the generator function returns a special iterator object, known as a generator object (sometimes, somewhat confusingly, also referred to as just “a generator”), that wraps the function body, its local variables (including its parameters), and the current point of execution, which is initially the start of the function.

When you call next on a generator object, the function body executes from the current point up to the next yield, which takes the form:

yield expression

A bare yield without the expression is also legal, and equivalent to yield None. When a yield executes, the function execution is “frozen,” with current point of execution and local variables preserved, and the expression following yield returned as the result of next. When you call next again, execution of the function body resumes where it left off, again up to the next yield. When the function body ends or executes a return statement, the iterator raises a StopIteration exception to indicate that the iteration is finished. In v2, return statements in a generator cannot contain expressions; in v3, the expression after return, if any, is an argument to the resulting StopIteration.

yield is an expression, not a statement. When you call g.send(value) on a generator object g, the value of the yield is value; when you call next(g), the value of the yield is None. We cover this in “Generators as near-coroutines”: it’s the elementary building block to implement coroutines in Python.

A generator function is often a very handy way to build an iterator. Since the most common way to use an iterator is to loop on it with a for statement, you typically call a generator like this (with the call to next implicit in the for statement):

for avariable in somegenerator(arguments):

For example, say that you want a sequence of numbers counting up from 1 to N and then down to 1 again. A generator can help:

def updown(N):
    for x in range(1, N):
        yield x
    for x in range(N, 0, -1):
        yield x
for i in updown(3): print(i)                  # prints: 1 2 3 2 1

Here is a generator that works somewhat like built-in range, but returns an iterator on floating-point values rather than on integers:

def frange(start, stop, stride=1.0):
    while start < stop:
        yield start
        start += stride

This frange example is only somewhat like range because, for simplicity, it makes arguments start and stop mandatory, and assumes step is positive.

Generators are more flexible than functions that return lists. A generator may return an unbounded iterator, meaning one that yields an infinite stream of results (to use only in loops that terminate by other means, e.g., via a break statement). Further, a generator-object iterator performs lazy evaluation: the iterator computes each successive item only when and if needed, just in time, while the equivalent function does all computations in advance and may require large amounts of memory to hold the results list. Therefore, if all you need is the ability to iterate on a computed sequence, it is most often best to compute the sequence in a generator, rather than in a function that returns a list. If the caller needs a list of all the items produced by some bounded generator g(arguments), the caller can simply use the following code to explicitly request that a list be built:

resulting_list = list(g(arguments))

yield from (v3-only)

In v3 only, to improve execution efficiency and clarity when multiple levels of iteration are yielding values, you can use the form yield from expression, where expression is iterable. This yields the values from expression one at a time into the calling environment, avoiding the need to yield repeatedly. The updown generator defined earlier can be simplified in v3:

def updown(N):
    yield from range(1, N)
    yield from range(N, 0, -1)
for i in updown(3): print(i)                  # prints: 1 2 3 2 1

Moreover, the ability to use yield from means that, in v3 only, generators can be used as full-fledged coroutines, as covered in Chapter 18.

Generator expressions

Python offers an even simpler way to code particularly simple generators: generator expressions, commonly known as genexps. The syntax of a genexp is just like that of a list comprehension (as covered in “List comprehensions”), except that a genexp is within parentheses (()) instead of brackets ([]). The semantics of a genexp are the same as those of the corresponding list comprehension, except that a genexp produces an iterator yielding one item at a time, while a list comprehension produces a list of all results in memory (therefore, using a genexp, when appropriate, saves memory). For example, to sum the squares of all single-digit integers, you could code sum([x*x for x in range(10)]); however, you can express this even better, coding it as sum(x*x for x in range(10)) (just the same, but omitting the brackets), and obtain exactly the same result while consuming less memory. Note that the parentheses that indicate the function call also “do double duty” and enclose the genexp (no need for extra parentheses).

Generators as near-coroutines

In all modern Python versions (both v2 and v3), generators are further enhanced, with the possibility of receiving a value (or an exception) back from the caller as each yield executes. This lets generators implement coroutines, as explained in PEP 342. The main change from older versions of Python is that yield is not a statement, but an expression, so it has a value. When a generator resumes via a call to next on it, the corresponding yield’s value is None. To pass a value x into some generator g (so that g receives x as the value of the yield on which it’s suspended), instead of calling next(g), call g.send(x) (g.send(None) is just like next(g)).

Other modern enhancements to generators have to do with exceptions, and we cover them in “Generators and Exceptions”.

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[Apr 3, 2007] Charming Python Python elegance and warts, Part 1

Generators as not-quite-sequences

Over several versions, Python has hugely enhanced its "laziness." For several versions, we have had generators defined with the yield statement in a function body. But along the way we also got the itertools modules to combine and create various types of iterators. We have the iter() built-in function to turn many sequence-like objects into iterators. With Python 2.4, we got generator expressions, and with 2.5 we will get enhanced generators that make writing coroutines easier. Moreover, more and more Python objects have become iterators or iterator-like; for example, what used to require the .xreadlines() method or before that the xreadlines module, is now simply the default behavior of open() to read files.

Similarly, looping through a dict lazily used to require the .iterkeys() method; now it is just the default for key in dct behavior. Functions like xrange() are a bit "special" in being generator-like, but neither quite a real iterator (no .next() method), nor a realized list like range() returns. However, enumerate() returns a true generator, and usually does what you had earlier wanted xrange() for. And itertools.count() is another lazy call that does almost the same thing as xrange(), but as a full-fledged iterator.

Python is strongly moving towards lazily constructing sequence-like objects; and overall this is an excellent direction. Lazy pseudo-sequences both save memory space and speed up operations (especially when dealing with very large sequence-like "things").

The problem is that Python still has a schizoaffective condition when it comes to deciding what the differences and similarities between "hard" sequences and iterators are. The troublesome part of this is that it really violates Python's idea of "duck typing": the ability to use a given object for a purpose just as long as it has the right behaviors, but not necessarily any inheritance or type restriction. The various things that are iterators or iterator-like sometimes act sequence-like, but other times do not; conversely, sequences often act iterator-like, but not always. Outside of those steeped in Python arcana, what does what is not obvious.


The main point of similarity is that everything that is sequence- or iterator-like lets you loop over it, whether using a for loop, a list comprehension, or a generator comprehension. Past that, divergences occur. The most important of these differences is that sequences can be indexed, and directly sliced, while iterators cannot. In fact, indexing into a sequence is probably the most common thing you ever do with a sequence -- why on earth does it fall down so badly on iterators? For example:

Listing 9. Sequence-like and iterator-like things
>>> r = range(10)

>>> i = iter(r)

>>> x = xrange(10)

>>> g = itertools.takewhile(lambda n: n<10, itertools.count())


For all of these, you can use for n in thing. In fact, if you "concretize" any of them with list(thing), you wind up with exactly the same result. But if you wish to obtain a specific item -- or a slice of a few items -- you need to start caring about the exact type of thing. For example:

Listing 10. When indexing succeeds and fails
>>> r[4]

>>> i[4]
TypeError: unindexable object

With enough contortions, you can get an item for every type of sequence/iterator. One way is to loop until you get there. Another hackish combination might be something like:

Listing 11. Contortions to obtain an index
>>> thing, temp = itertools.tee(thing)

>>> zip(temp, '.'*5)[-1][0]

The pre-call to itertools.tee() preserves the original iterator. For a slice, you might use the itertools.islice() function, wrapped up in contortions.

Listing 12. Contortions to obtain a slice
>>> r[4:9:2]
[4, 6, 8]

>>> list(itertools.islice(r,4,9,2))  # works for iterators
[4, 6, 8]

A class wrapper

You might combine these techniques into a class wrapper for convenience, using some magic methods:

Listing 13. Making iterators indexable
>>> class Indexable(object):
...     def __init__(self, it):
... = it
...     def __getitem__(self, x):
..., temp = itertools.tee(
...         if type(x) is slice:
...             return list(itertools.islice(, x.start, x.stop, x.step))
...         else:
...             return zip(temp, range(x+1))[-1][0]
...     def __iter__(self):
..., temp = itertools.tee(
...         return temp

>>> integers = Indexable(itertools.count())

>>> integers[4]
>>> integers[4:9:2]
[4, 6, 8]

So with some effort, you can coax an object to behave like both a sequence and an iterator. But this much effort should really not be necessary; indexing and slicing should "just work" whether a concrete sequence or a iterator is involved.

Notice that the Indexable class wrapper is still not as flexible as might be desirable. The main problem is that we create a new copy of the iterator every time. A better approach would be to cache the head of the sequence when we slice it, then use that cached head for future access of elements already examined. Of course, there is a trade-off between memory used and the speed penalty of running through the iterator. Nonetheless, the best thing would be if Python itself would do all of this "behind the scenes" -- the behavior might be fine-tuned somehow by "power users," but average programmers should not have to think about any of this.

In the next installment in this series, I'll discuss accessing methods using attribute syntax.

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