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Layout groups

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Note: HP renamed the product called now HP operations manager way too many times. Also it is very inconsistent with using abbreviations. Here we will assume that the term "HP Operations manager" and abbreviations HPOM, OMU, and OVO  mean the same thing :-)

This notion introduced around version 8 is helpful both for operators and for management of servers.  It exist in addition and separately from the old notion of  Node Groups.

 It allow both applying some actions to the set of nodes contains in a group as well as to present hierarchical structure of the datacenter for operators. By default, all managed nodes are presented in "flat" window (Managed Nodes Window) in the Operator GUIs. 

If you have several hundred nodes it is better to structure operator view either by OS or by location. For this purpose different node hierarchies can be created all rooted at specific members of Node Hierarchy view of Admin GUI.  The list of root members is available from All Node Hierarchies tab in Admin GUI.

For example you can have two root members in Node hierarchy:  OS_centric_view and  Geographical_view

Each view can be assigned to different user profiles. 

At the same time this concept introduced new types of errors. For example in operator Java GUI all layout groups are listed as a hierarchy under nodes symbol and administrators can mix them with regular node groups. So names should be different. For example you can use suffix _view for each name as in example above.   The problem is that messages from a particular node will not be visible unless this node is a member of one of set of visible layout groups. This control exists is in addition to the responsibility matrix assigned to the user account directly or via profile and can easily be overlooked.

Listing layout groups

root@unlab12:/opt/OV # opclaygrp -list_node_hier
List of node hierarchies:
Name         = NodeBank
Label        = HPOM Node Bank
Description  = Node hierarchy of administrator
Operation successfully completed.

You can use layout groups to group the nodes and arrange them hierarchically. Layout groups can contain nodes and other layout groups creating a node hierarchy. The opclaygrp  command-line tool can be used to manage layout groups and node hierarchies.

opclaygrp -add_lay_group lay_group=Data_center \
                  lay_group_label=Center \
                  lay_group_desc="Layout group for data center" \

By default, HPOM presents all managed nodes in a single, “flat” window (Managed Nodes Window) in the Operator GUIs. When there are so many icons in a window, it is difficult to distinguish which node manages what environment. For example, in the node bank, you might have several hundred nodes in the domain and the icons appear very small. Creating Node Layout Groups lets you create a hierarchy of windows where, for example, you organize your managed nodes by location or geography, by the role these systems fulfill, or by other custom criteria. You could use the features of the window to pan and zoom or create a quick navigator window, but you could also organize the nodes inside the current window.

You can create a Node Layout Group for each physical location, department, or type of application. Drag and drop the nodes onto the Layout Group Icon.

You can also list members of Layout Groups using SQL create by Goran Koruga ( HPOM 8, list of nodes in Layout Group from CLI)

set pagesize 0
set linesize 1000
select distinct Path
( select PARENT_ID,
         LEVEL || ' ' ||
          case when ' '
          then ( select nn.node_name || ' (' || n.label || ')'
                 from opc_nodes n,
                      opc_node_names nn
                 where n.node_id = h.node_id
                 and   nn.node_id = n.node_id)
          else (h.label || ' (' || || ')')
          ' -> ') || ' -> ' || (select NAME || ' (' || LABEL || ')' from OPC_NODEHIERS b whe
  from opc_nodehier_layout h
  start with h.NODE_ID in
     select nn.NODE_ID
     from opc_node_names nn,
          opc_nodes n
     where nn.NODE_ID = n.NODE_ID
  connect by prior h.PARENT_ID = h.LAYOUT_ID)
order by Path;

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Old News

[Nov 06, 2010] HPOM - Nested Node Hierarchy

A node can exist exactly once in each layout group hierarchy, but you can have as much root members of node hierarchies as you wish. Having multiple node hierarchies solves the problem. Generally a node can appear in all the hierarchies shown at the top level of the Hierarchy Bank, but only once in each. Contrast this with Node Groups, where a node can appear in more than one group.
IT Resource Center forums


Hi All

Implementation: HPOM 8.30 on HP-UX (PA) 11.23

To Quote the HPOM Online documentation: "You can use the Add Node Hierarchy Bank Window to add or modify node hierarchies. To assign nodes or other node hierarchies to a node hierarchy, you can simply use OVO's drag and drop mechanism."

Now its the second sentence I'm interested in.

It does not seem possible to have a node in more than one layout group per Hierarchy. However you can create multiple Hierarchies with the same nodes in - how can these be nested as indicated by the quote above? Whenever I try Drag'nDrop it will not let me (tried copy and paste etc)

I'm trying to do this to enable operators to better use the Java console, sometimes they want to be able to choose Nodes by Datacentre, or Domain, or OS, or Application/Server role etc. But if a server can only be in one place on the Hierarchy how can they be in multiple groups?

Thanks for any help

Points Given

I checked out assigning an OVO Operator multiple Hierarchies but this seems to be a non starter (and pointless if nesting works)

Gerry Bonin:

A node will exist exactly once in each layout group hierarchy. If you don't place it somewhere in the hierarchy, it will be put into HoldingArea automatically.

That's the way it works.


Tony Cicone:

You can create "Nodebanks" and nodes can be assigned to multiple Nodebanks, but not multiple "Layout Groups". The Node Hierarchy exists for "Layout Groups", and not "Nodebanks", so you can only have a node in one.

IT Resource Center forums - OML - Layout groups

pete_p Jul 5, 2010 14:12:26 GMT


Can you add nodes into multiple layout groups?

(When I try this, the nodes move from their current layout group to the new one, I need them in a few groups).

any thoughts, suggestions?



sekar sundaram: Jul 6, 2010 02:46:34 GMT

Hi Pete,

about this node layout group, the information i read:

Use this concept to pre-arrange the nodes within a window hierarchy for your operators. By default, HPOM presents all managed nodes in a single, "flat" window (Managed Nodes Window) in the Operator GUIs. When there are so many icons in a window, it is difficult to distinguish which node manages what environment. For example, in the node bank, you might have several hundred nodes in the domain and the icons appear very small.

Creating Node Layout Groups lets you create a hierarchy of windows where, for example, you organize your managed nodes by location or geography, by the role these systems fulfill, or by other custom criteria.

You could use the features of the window to pan and zoom or create a quick navigator window, but you could also organize the nodes inside the current window.

So, looks like we can add a server only in one layout group (because layout groups are just layers under the same node bank)

IT Resource Center forums - HPOM 8, list of nodes in Layout Group from CLI - This thread has been closed

Gediminas Daniunas
Nov 9, 2009 22:01:41 GMT

Hi, all

is it possible to get a list of nodes in layout Group(s)?

opclaygrp command only provides the Layout Groups and not the nodes within them.

opcnode has no idea about Layout Groups content.

thank you in advance,

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Goran Koruga

Nov 10, 2009 06:47:35 GMT Unassigned


Is this what you're after? Put the file in "/etc/opt/OV/share/conf/OpC/mgmt_sv/reports/C" directory, name it to your own liking (be sure to use ".sql" extension) and call it like so: <your_name>

where <your_name> does nto include ".sql" extension.

I think I posted this once before, but can't find it now.


-starts with next line ------------------------------

set pagesize 0
set linesize 1000
select distinct Path
( select PARENT_ID,
LEVEL || ' ' ||
case when ' '
then ( select nn.node_name || ' (' || n.label || ')'
from opc_nodes n,
opc_node_names nn
where n.node_id = h.node_id
and nn.node_id = n.node_id)
else (h.label || ' (' || || ')')
' -> ') || ' -> ' || (select NAME || ' (' || LABEL || ')' from OPC_NODEHIERS b where h.NODEHIER_ID = b.NODEHIER_ID) AS Path
from opc_nodehier_layout h
start with h.NODE_ID in
select nn.NODE_ID
from opc_node_names nn,
opc_nodes n
where nn.NODE_ID = n.NODE_ID
connect by prior h.PARENT_ID = h.LAYOUT_ID)
order by Path;

IT Resource Center forums - list layout group in HPOM - This thread has been closed

Robert Wirtanen
Nov 14, 2008 15:16:06 GMT

i have not been able to figure out to list a layout group within HPOM . we are running 8.30 on hp-ux. i have tried both opcnode and opclaygrp. please assist. points will be distributed...

thanks, Rob

Note: If you are the author of this question and wish to assign points to any of the answers, please login first.For more information on assigning points ,click here

Martin Johnson

Nov 14, 2008 18:14:50 GMT 6 pts

Go to you Node Bank Window. Every group in the window is a layout group. If you double click on oned of the layout group icons, it will open a new window with the contents of the layout group. For example, if you have a layout group called "PreTest", double clicking on the PreTest icon will show you the contents of the PreTest layuout group. The contents can be nodes or other layout groups.

"opclaygrp -list_lay_group -v" will show you all the layout groups in the Node Bank.

"opclaygrp -list_lay_group_rec -v" will recursively show you all the layout groups in the Node Bank.


Jeroen Peereboom

Nov 14, 2008 18:24:52 GMT 6 pts


to list 1 layout group add lay_group= to the command, like:
/opt/OV/bin/OpC/utils/opclaygrp -list_lay_group_rec lay_group='Servers/W2k servers'

You can use '/' as level separator if you have several levels of layout groups. Put quotes around arguments that have spaces (for example a layout group like 'Win 2000 servers').


Robert Wirtanen
Nov 14, 2008 18:45:52 GMT N/A: Question Author

thanks for the replies!!!

Joroen and Marty,

my need is to perform this through the command line and i have found that the opclaygrp command only shows the layout groups and not the nodes within them...

am i doing something wrong or is there another way?

Jeroen Peereboom
Nov 17, 2008 06:59:21 GMT 7 pts

My first guess was using opcnode. However, '-list_nodes' does not allow the layout group to be specified ('layout_group='xxx') according to the man page (and some quick testing).

So maybe the only option is to write an sql query and use (or opcdbpwd) to run the sql query. I cannot think of other useful commands...


Robert Wirtanen
Dec 23, 2008 15:53:12 GMT N/A: Question Author

Marty the man johnson provided some reports within the console via HPOM reports. he took the time to figure out the sql commands and we are huming

Recommended Links

IT Resource Center forums - OML - Layout groups

Enabling system monitoring using HP Operations Manager (Openview) for Windows (Zeus KnowledgeHub Articles)


HP Blogs - Introducing Operations Manager on Linux - The HP Blog Hub



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