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Apache Modules

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There are a number of extremely popular modules for the Apache Web server that are not included in the basic distribution. Most of these are separate because of licensing or support reasons; some are not distributed by the Apache Software Foundation because of a decision by the Apache developers; and some are integral parts of other projects. For instance, mod_ssl for Apache 1.3 is developed and maintained separately, not only because of the U.S. export control laws (which were more restrictive when the package was originally developed), but also because it requires changes to the core software that the Apache developers chose not to integrate.

The most comprehensive list of third-party modules can be found in the Apache Module Registry at Some modules like mod rewrite are so popular that they have entire sites devoted to them.

Current Linux distributions include most popular modules for Apache.

Installing a Generic Third-Party Module

Move to the directory where the module's source file was unpacked, and then:

% /path/to/apache/ bin/apxs -cia  module.c 

In the case of a third-party module that consists of a single .c file, there is a good chance that it can be built and installed using this approach. Modules that involve multiple source files should provide their own installation instructions.

The -cia  options mean to compile, install, and activate. The first is pretty straightforward; install means put the .so file in the place Apache expects to find it; and activate means to add the module to the httpd.conf file. See Also apxs manpage

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mod_authn_pam - Apache HTTP Server

mod_authn_pam uses the "configure/make/make install" mechanism common to many Open Source programs. Most of the dirty work is handled by either configure or Apache's apxs utility. If you have built apache modules before, there shouldn't be any surprises for you.

Before you can begin compiling mod_authn_pam, you will need a working installation of Apache 2.1-dev (any earlier version, including Apache 2.0.x will NOT work).

The interesting options you can pass to configure are:

Call configure with your site-specific values and then "make" and "make install" as usual. The module will be installed in the module directory of your Apache installation.

Again mod_authn_pam behave like your average next-door Apache module. Just add

LoadModule authn_pam_module modules/

to your httpd.conf as usual and restart Apache.

Example Config

       <Location /secure-area>
         AuthType Basic
         AuthName  "basic authn_pop3 testing area"
         AuthBasicProvider pam
         Require valid-user
       </Location> Apache Modules


Over the last few articles, I have covered some of the new features in Apache 2.0, and how you can take advantage of them in your web servers. This time, I am going to cover one of the least-discussed features in Apache 2.0.

One of the biggest advantages of Apache over other web servers is how easy it is to write powerful modules. Apache has used modules since version 1.0 to implement everything but serving basic, static files. Because Apache itself used modules for everything, modules need to have access to every stage of serving a request. Modules have, however, always suffered from one major flaw.

Modules have always been solitary entities. If two modules both have to do the same operation, they both need to implement the feature. This makes maintaining modules very difficult because if you modify the behavior in one module, you must also modify it in every other location. Perhaps the best examples of this are the mod_include and mod_cgi modules. mod_include implements server-side include (SSI) processing. mod_cgi spawns CGI scripts. However, mod_include also needs to be able to spawn CGI scripts whenever it encounters the following code in an SSI:

<!--#exec cgi=/cgi-bin/printenv -->

In Apache 1.3, both modules had logic to create a CGI process and execute the correct program in it. This logic was very complex on some platforms -- especially platforms that did not look at the #! line of a script to find the interpreter.

In Apache 2.0, we can remove this maintainance problem by allowing mod_include to call into mod_cgi to create a CGI script. This does have some drawbacks. The first major drawback is that mod_include cannot include the output of CGI scripts unless mod_cgi is loaded into the server.

The Apache developers decided that this was a valid tradeoff because by not including mod_cgi, the administrator has stated that he or she does not want to allow CGI scripts to be run. We could not find a valid reason to allow CGI scripts within SSI files if they weren't allowed to direct connections. This addition to mod_include allows other module authors to easily extend the tags that are allowed in SSI files, without having to modify the base mod_include code.

Also in Apache 2.0 Basics:

Writing Input Filters for Apache 2.0

Writing Apache 2.0 Output Filters

Writing Filters for Apache 2.0

To demonstrate how easy it is to extend mod_include, let's take a look at how mod_cgi does it. The first step is to retrieve a couple functions from mod_include. This is done using optional functions, a new feature in Apache 2.0, that lets a module can register functions with the core as optional. When another module wants to use those functions, it queries the core server, asking if modules those functions have been registered. The core uses the name of the function as the key to find the pointer that was stored when the function was registered.

There are three functions that are important for mod_include extensions: ap_register_include_handler, ap_ssi_get_tag_and_value, and ap_ssi_parse_string. The ap_register_include_handler function is used to specify the tag that this module will handle. ap_ssi_get_tag_and_value gets the next attribute and value from the SSI tag that is being parsed. SSI extension functions will loop calling this function, retreiving each of the attributes until the function returns a "null" attribute. This signifies that all attributes have been found. The final function is ap_ssi_parse_string; this function is used to do variable substitution on a string.

Once all these function pointers are retrieved, your module must register a tag with mod_include. This can only be done if all the functions were retrieved successfully. To register a tag, just call the register function with the string that mod_include should look for when processing SSI output, and a function to call when the string is found. The following function is the function that mod_cgi uses to do this.

static void cgi_post_config(apr_pool_t *p, apr_pool_t *plog, apr_pool_t *ptemp, server_rec *s)
cgi_pfn_reg_with_ssi = APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN(ap_register_include_handler)
cgi_pfn_gtv = APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN(ap_ssi_get_tag_and_value);
cgi_pfn_ps = APR_RETRIEVE_OPTIONAL_FN(ap_ssi_parse_string);

if ((cgi_pfn_reg_with_ssi) && (cgi_pfn_gtv) && (cgi_pfn_ps)) {
/* Required by mod_include filter. This is how mod_cgi registers
* with mod_include to provide processing of the exec directive.
cgi_pfn_reg_with_ssi("exec", handle_exec);

There is one more important detail. If you look at the previous function's name, you will notice that this is called during the post_config phase. The problem is that mod_include uses a hash table to store the string/function pairs, and it allocates that hash table during its post_config function. If the mod_cgi function is called first, then the server will "seg fault" during startup. This is easily solved using the new hook mechanism in Apache 2.0. Below is an example this. This is the mod_cgi module's register_hooks function. When mod_cgi registers its post_config function, it must specify that mod_include should run first.

static void register_hooks(apr_pool_t *p)
static const char * const aszPre[] = { "mod_include.c", NULL };
ap_hook_handler(cgi_handler, NULL, NULL, APR_HOOK_MIDDLE);
ap_hook_post_config(cgi_post_config, aszPre, NULL, APR_HOOK_REALLY_FIRST);

Of course, this is just one example of where modules extending modules are useful. mod_log_config is another place where this ability has been added to the server. In the case of mod_log_config, we now allow modules to extend the type of information that can be logged. As more people implement Apache 2.0 modules, more situations like this will be discovered, and the core team will continue to create opportunities for modules to help each other solve problems.

Apache 2.0 has many features that were not possible in Apache 1.3. These features will help to keep Apache the most popular web server on the Internet. As this is my last article for, I hope that in the last six months I have taught you something about Apache 2.0. And I hope that you will download it and experiment to see where it can provide a better solution than Apache 1.3.

Ryan Bloom is a member of the Apache Software Foundation, and the Vice President of the Apache Portable Run-time project.

Recipe 2.1. Installing a Generic Third-Party Module


You have downloaded a third-party module that isn't listed in this chapter, and you want to install it.


Move to the directory where the module's source file was unpacked, and then:

% /path/to/apache/bin/apxs -cia  module.c 
For example

/usr/local/apache2/bin/apxs -cia mod_auth_basic.c


In the case of a third-party module that consists of a single .c file, there is a good chance that it can be built and installed using the Solution. Modules that involve multiple source files should provide their own installation instructions.

The -cia options mean to compile, install, and activate. The first is pretty straightforward; install means put the .so file in the place Apache expects to find it, and activate means to add the module to the httpd.conf file.

See Also

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Apache 2.2 - Where are the modules ?

The Apache httpd server has played a critical role in most of my work over the past decade but these days I'm finding more and more reasons to look at alternatives. Its configuration syntax is not pretty, the distribution is bloated, and its performance with some applications (especially Rails) is almost unworkable. Here's another reason to grumble...

I recently compiled Apache 2.2.4 from source. I've done that several times in the past and just did the typical steps of:
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2
# make
# make install

That works great and I can fire up the server just fine - until I want to serve an application that involves URL rewriting. I get this error:

[Wed Jun 20 17:00:07 2007] [alert] [client] /Users/jones/instiki/public/.htaccess: Invalid command 'RewriteEngine', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration

That tells me that the mod_rewrite module is not being loaded in the httpd.conf file. So I go into that file and search for the LoadModule section. In the past there would be a bunch of LoadModule statements, many of which were commented out. But in 2.2.4 there is only one. This is actually a good thing as it makes the httpd.conf file smaller and easier to look through.

I figured I just needed to add a line that loaded mod_rewrite. I checked my apache2/modules directory to get the correct file name - but there are no modules in there. I checked to see if it was compiled into the executable using this:

# /usr/local/apache2/bin/httpd -l

No, it's not in the list. So where are all the modules? Am I supposed to download them separately from Looking on that site doesn't tell me what to do. What's the deal?

Turns out that you have to specify the modules you want at compile time. This is a really, really bad move on Apache's part. I'm sure it is done with the best of intentions but what a pain. In order to get my module I have to go and recompile the whole damn thing... great...

*WAIT* If you have already modified your current apache config files, htdocs directory, etc. copy them somewhere safe before you recompile and install over them!

Here's what I need to do to get mod_rewrite and mod_env compiled so that I can load them dynamically.

# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-rewrite=shared --enable-env=shared

To see the full list of options (215 lines of them) do this:

# ./configure --help

You can get 'all' or 'most' (whatever that means) of the modules using these variants

# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-mods-shared=all
# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-mods-shared=most

I chose the latter when I recompiled and that gave the two that I need plus hopefully any others that I might need in the future. So my specific steps were:

# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local/apache2 --enable-mods-shared=most
# make
# make install

Then I went into the httpd.conf file, put back a couple of changes that I had made previously and went looking for the LoadModule lines. Well, I guess I got what I asked for... I asked it to compile most of the modules. It did that and it has set up the config to load all 43 of them!

All I want are two modules, for Pete's sake... so I reckon I want to delete the others, right? WRONG! Without the new configure directive, a bunch of the standard modules are compiled in the server. With the new directive, they are loaded dynamically. So if you delete these LoadModule lines then a load of other stuff will break.

With all this done, I can now get back to where I started with a functioning Apache installation. I hope this note helps you avoid the couple of hours of frustration that I just enjoyed.

Apache is a great piece of work, don't get me wrong, - but nonsense like this is really annoying.

If you are in the market for an alternative you might want to consider Nginx (, a relatively unknown http server that is getting a lot of good press in the Rails community.

Posted by Robert Jones at 5:20 PM

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